The official Roman Catholic thread

Don’t go to mass every Sunday, as required?

Oh wait, that’s most Catholics.

You have to write to them asking to be excommunicated. Friend of mine went to the trouble if doing it a few years ago. Not sure who he sent it to mind you.

send me on your details and ill handle this for you. dob,baptism cert, details of all other sacraments received should do for now. ill have you out in 2 to 3 years no problem at all.


And a cheque.

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Eid Mubarak everybody.

They changed the rules, so one you’re in that’s it. You’d need your head examined to even consider baptizing a child.

A non national? Is he of no country?

Could you find out more about this?

I’ll ask when I’m talking to him again

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Do, please. I had logged on to the countmeout site just as it was pulled, the cunts.

Can you let me know when you get out lads? Until then, I’ll keep you in my night time prayers.


Yeah. That’s it.
You’re so clever.

Thanks - Just asking what you meant by non national? Kinda bizarre to be of no nation, mate.

Long history in the Olympics of people competing of no nation pal.

How does their anthem go?

You’re asking about what non nationals national anthem sounds like?

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The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News.

I don’t recall ever signing a contract with Rome, I would have serious doubts as to how legally binding my “membership” is :smiley:

This is the cult of Rome, pal. Legal? Their shit is beyond the realm of legal. Courts are probably built more around the church then the other way around.

It’s kind of like politics, lots of people who don’t know they are members are members, even dead people. Branch stacking I believe it’s called.