The official Roman Catholic thread

The reason you’re still in lads, is because in time you’ll all come crawling back, and the church knows it. Just saves on paperwork.

Not this boyo. Not for all the money in Greece.

May the Lord be with you

Can ye all knell for a few moments and remember our friend @tassotti at this difficult time.


The best thing about God is that he finds you when you least suspect it. You’ll be back.

At mass tomorrow I’ll pray for @rocko and that the Lord teaches him forgiveness.

It would be a great gesture to have the prodigal son back for the end of the euros.


A lovely idea. You’ve an awful way of creating posts that I generally find myself nodding in agreement with.


The thing that most annoyed me about church was all the standing, kneeling and sitting. I wish the priest would just pick a position and fuck me… Jimmy Carr.

They’ll have to be reintroduced to the forum on a phased basis.One at a time.
It’ll have the added bonus of causing a rift between them if one gets preferential treatment over the other.

I’d say he was an awful ugly altar boy.

You know the church’s motto, any hole is a goal.

Is that roughly translated from Latin? I bet is sounds a lot nicer in the original text.

A proper mass this week, concelebrant was padre Paco from Monterrey, Mexico along with padre Michel of the local parish


Difficult to comprehend the barbaric scenes in Northern France this morning. Utterly horrific.
Please pray for Father Jacques Hamel.


Time for the Pope to act now. :slight_smile: Might be time to start looking at these guys again. :smiley:

That’s a real possibility. Someone needs to act

The perpetrators are claiming that the Christians did the same to them in the crusades so their actions were justified.

That’s some grudge to be holding onto…

TFK’esque alright.


Was in this church last week for a funeral. Holy Spirit Kimmage Manor. Beautiful I thought. Good service too.



Only second to Tony Keady and those Galway bastards.