The official Roman Catholic thread

I heard a rumour someone mentioned Keady in here. What’s going on?

Lads dating apps and priest

Archbishop Martin seems to be quite an impressive man. He would have went far in politics.

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He moves fast

Gay sex and the Catholic church just can’t be separated.

The lads here are very quiet. This a big catholic issue. @HBV will explain he loves his church @balbec

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well they’ve got away with the auld raping as well as ruling like facists for 100s of years, the auld gayness in this day and age will be grand


WHY do people give a fuck about them.

It’s a non story. If they want to bang each other let them off.


HBV?Tim Riggins?

He’s a prick. Derek Davis knew his game.

whats your take on it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

No real opinion

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dont know pal. i can understand the believing of something bigger than us but the reverence to men, without any magic powers (and with the reputation they have…) its a no for me

I do pray myself but do not like the church,

What do you pray for, Joe?

If a young buck trainee priest thinks he has a dose of the queerness in him then they are as well off getting it out of their system before they go out into the community.

what community.

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