The official Roman Catholic thread

  • Should we scrap celibacy and allow our priests some intimacy with the opposite sex?
  • Should we copper fasten the celibacy rule?

0 voters

The only reason to scrap it is to increase membership of the priesthood

Sweep sweep

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I be thinking that way too.

Im a big fan of the celibacy rule but the problem now is that sex is everywhere, its in your face 24/7 and its unfair and probably naive to expect young lads committing to God to ignore that.
Id love to see a 5 year hiatus to help replenish the stock of good priests. If you sign up in the 5 years you are entitled to exemptions, ie sign up in next 12 months you get lifetime exemption, within 2 years you get 15 year exemption, within 3 years you get a 10 year exemption and so on.


I recall the bishop of sydney destroy an argument that celibacy led to paedophilia before. He basically said that if people stopped having sex with adults they dont become attracted to children. To say celibacy leads to peadophilia you would have to assume being attracted to kids is natural


Almost all humans have a sex drive and sexual preference, with the exception of a tiny percentage who are asexual. Considering the large number of priests worldwide, statistically only a few of them could be asexual. The problem within the Catholic church is the historic protection and enabling of paedophile predators, not just people who are sexually attracted to children, but persue children for sex, usually using their position of power. They are extremely dangerous individuals and there is no evidence they can be “cured”, they should be locked up permanently once they offend.

Whether he is a wum or just a simpleton, the views expressed by HBV are extremely dangerous, that these sick individuals have the “gay” gene, or can get it out of their system by indulging in homosexuality. It is utterly moronic to associate pedophilia with homosexuality, and frankly highly homophobic.

If the rules of the forum were applied consistently, he should be banned again (permanently).

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I haven’t mentioned pedophilia asshole. Its not a topic i see necessary to use round here, unlike a few others.

Horseshit. The only problem within the Catholic church is pedophilia, who cares what consenting adults are doing with each other, whether they are priests or not. You constantly and consistently link the sick individuals within the church to “queerness” and everyone knows what that means.

I’m afraid no matter what way you twist this I haven’t mentioned paedophilia and ill repeat for you it’s not a subject area I feel I nee d to use to get one over on a random anonymous punter online. Unlike a few of @rocko pets.

You look a right mug here. Hence you twisting.
I put up a poll in light of the Irish media this week covering revelations that young buck priests in the msynooth seminary using Grinder and having sex with other adults. Absolutely nothing to do with paedophilia.
That you can’t discuss anything to do with the RC church without screaming ‘paedophile’ makes you out to be a bit of a weird fellow really.

What a wasteful use of TFK. Who cares what or who they do

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Weird is obsessing about what consenting adults do with each other. Homosexual sex (or heterosexual sex for that matter) among priests is not a threat to anyone in society, or at least not a threat to any normal person. The protection and enabling of predator pedophiles is though, something you are clealy uncomfortable acknowledging.

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Why don’t you set up a paedophilia thread, label it Official, and knock yourself out.

I refuse to debate let alone joke about the subject online. Plenty of @rocko pets made their name on here using child abuse gags but I keep clear. Maybe they will join you in good and deep conversations in your new thread.

If you have no opinion on the celibacy rule being discussed here then I’m not interested. Your vote would be appreciated though. That’s despite you being a horrid pathetic cunt manufacturing the opinions of others that don’t exist and using it to then call for them to be banned.
You pathetic little prick.

Jesus this thread is like the Tipp Galway thread. Doesn’t raise its head too often but when it does get going WATCH OUT

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The RC thread has always attracted the trolls. Usually the mods step in but hopefully iv dealt with this one.

You know why people hate the church do you?

There is a valid argument suggesting the only reason it exists is because of money

You appear to have anger management issues mate. Maybe it’s time for a bit of Eastern European therapy.

I love the way you worded that there. You have a great way with words.

What, a post with no paedo reference?