The official Roman Catholic thread

Sooner or later, the movement away from faith based primary schools will gather pace and that’ll be the end of it then.

Cork, a well known home of weirdo’s, no wonder we are weak down there, I was at Mass on Sunday in Ennis, the place was heaving, Mass in England is heaving every weekend, packed out the door includingt 3 masses on a Sunday

A lot of wishful thinking from the Atheist club on here.

A decent parent wants their child raised with some moral values. Some tradition. An actual school uniform.

Not some namby pamby community school where all the kids bring a guitar to school no matter how shit they are and they can grow their hair anyway they see fit.


I bet you were thinking Newpark Comprehensive when you typed that.


A former petty criminal with a huge debt to society being dragged to a mass in cark by some cark weirdos is an extremely poor representation of our Church.

I was off today and passing I popped into the church to say a few prayers.

When I went in an old dear was up and saying the rosary to a good 20/30 in attendance. I passed a Priest chatting in the car park so I don’t think it was an alternative to mass but it was a delightful experience.


An empty church on a cold Winters evening is a very spiritual experience.

God is love.

John 4:8.

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Communion year is a very special year for families


First Sunday of Advent :ronnyroar:


Amazing news, El Papa CONFIRMED to visit in 2018. :grinning::grinning::grinning:


Great news

You can be sure that snake Kenny will hang on to fawn all over him too.

A killing to be made in the novelty religious items market

lovely hurling, this will drive the atheists and the heathens demented.


This was effectively confirmed back in April or May.

Now we need one of you cunts to put Papa Francesco on your celebrity death list for 2017 and again for 2018 to ensure he makes it safely though the years and visits Dublin in time for the All-Ireland football semi-final of 26th August 2018. I would expect the GAA to steer the heathen Dubs out of the 2nd semi and allow Mayo a clear run at it given they can boast to being the home of both Enda Kenny & Knock.

What a wonderful weekend that will be.

(BTW we can now look forward to Enda being Taoiseach until Autumn 2018)

incredible news, this cements our special relationship with the Vatican

Great news for our catholic brethren. How much will this cost tho?

Thank you Enda for making this happen. God bless you.