The official Roman Catholic thread

Enda lording it in front of the representative of Our Lord.

Looks like heā€™s trying to sell him that painting.

But thatā€™s not all, if you buy now Iā€™ll throw in a frame of your choice at no extra cost

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Heā€™s a great man is our Enda. Has our Pontiff eat out his hand there.

That was a cracking mass, finished off with an emotive rendition of Oh Holy Night. Unreal.


We had a quick one tonight. He had to do another one at 9am so he rattled this one off quick enough. Had the choir though. Finished off with Adeste Fideles.
Done in 50 minutes.

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He is born.

Rejoice :candle:


Happy birthday Jesus


I hate the way they broadcast mass from these post-modern type churches with their indulgent symbolism and such. Masses should be in a traditional style church in a traditional format.


Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, may we too, with eyes full of amazement and wonder, gaze upon the Child Jesus, the Son of God.


I couldnā€™t face going to Mass this morning. I have been paranoid all Christmas and not able to settle myself. I had to watch it on Television, I am absolutely raging with myself

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You see more on the telly, what with modern innovations like instant replay, Priest Camā„¢ and post-mass analysis.

This is bad news for Pope Franā€™s health. Back in 2003 or so, Papa John Paul was CONFIRMED to be visiting Ireland in April 2005.

And he was certainly a big news item here in April 2005, alright.

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They ruined mass when they changed the words

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Happy Yultide ladsā€¦ delighted to let you Christians plagiarize it to have a festival of your own.

What the fuck like. Thatā€™s not even a word.

It is

Itā€™s lost all its flow.

Iā€™ve rediscovered my faith.

Have had confession and been to mass twice in the last 3 days.

The ceremony on Friday was a gamechanger.



I havenā€™t been in over 2 decades Iā€™d sayā€¦

Has the format changed much?

Its still pretty much the same from what I can remember, was 20 years since my last one though.

Was v relaxed as the priest is my wifes cousin.

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