The official Roman Catholic thread

What sort of a penance did you get ?

None believe it or not :grin:

He’s a great priest.

You obviously didn’t come on his hand. When is the honeymoon, bro?


Wednesday pal, looking forward to it now…

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you mug. have a good one anyway pal

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I’m just back from the vigil mass for the Baptism of Our Lord.

A couple of rows in front of me sat a lad with the following printed on the back of his top

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride”

I found it entirely inappropriate attire for a place of worship.

Just wanted to get that off my chest guys.


Just out of the 6.30pm vigil mass in Carrickmacross myself and they were still bursting out the Christmas hymns.

Malahide? I found the interactive mass over Christmas fantastic tbh.

It’s not often a Priest uses a Powerpoint presentation with carol lyrics on the church wall for all to sing a long. “Nowell” at the end of mass was a particular favourite and I was amazed how many sang the second verse of Silent Night compared to the first when they all got into the buzz.

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Why do Christians celebrate a pagan holiday, mate?

The son of God came into the world on Christmas day.

Really? The Catholic church have long since admitted that no such person was born on December 25, mate. The church just hijacked another pagan date to aid conversion… Christianity is just one big rip off…In reality, you’re all pagans celebrating pagan holidays.

Yellow Walls mate.

I haven’t warmed to the churches in Swords so I go to Seabury, which I always enjoyed from my Sea Road days.

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I’m no pagan. I’m a man of God.

Next Sunday 10 30 mate. A member of the NCC clan will be singing.

See you there


What will she be performing?

A hymn about henrik larsson

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Just as God would wish

Why do you celebrate pagan holidays?

I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God, through immaculate conception.