The official Roman Catholic thread

Fair enough, we will put you in the devout column with @Tassotti . I have great respect for the devout religious. Itā€™s the cultural Catholic cunts you have to watch out for, the a la carte brigade.

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I know the corless Family quite well,the work done by that woman on this Subject is just top drawer. Its years of work only been justified now.

I myself was born in st pats navan road and some of the story ive heard are just shocking.i was one of the ā€œluckierā€ ones who actually went to a good home.

I hope this ends the church and all the bad cunts in it all be it there may be a few good ones.

Between the state the church and a few do gooders they have fucked so many people up.


Good for you, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that mate. You are a shining light of tolerance.

Are you talking about the type that neither believe nor go to mass, but baptise their kids so they can get into a particular school?

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everyone to their own I suppose but I think youā€™re mad. only times Iā€™m in a church is for sacraments, communions and funerals.

like @Fitzy I suspect all you atheist, heathen types will be roaring for a priest when your time is up


I wont be roaring for a priest bud, thatā€™s for sure. ā€œFather Tomā€ me bollix. I thought there was only 1 Father? anyway pal, personally I do believe there is something bigger than us joe soap, so do have faith in something. we are literally a dot here.


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yes, with big snarling teeth

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Thatā€™s mild enough though. Itā€™s the ones telling you your lifestyle is all wrong, the judgmental holier than thou types. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve come across a few.

Pretend Catholics ā€¦ Logic tells them itā€™s all horseshit but the little child in them is still afraid it might all be true so they hedge their bets :joy:

Fear is an awful thing.

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Where did we come from so ??

God created us


In your case? Incest I would guess.

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Youā€™ll be weighed down with miraculous medals on your death bed pal, screaming for forgiveness.

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all these atheists and heathen types make me laugh, if they didnā€™ tcare they wouldnā€™t be in this thread, when the time comes they will be begging for mercy

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Forgiveness for what? -It will be the reverse, palā€¦ if I go and I end up faced by ā€˜godā€™ iā€™ll ask it what kind of a cunt creates a world with so much cruelty, suffering and misery - iā€™d spit in the bastards face and pull the lever to send me down myself.


Sounds like a bad deal for you there mate. Myself and @tassotti will get hookers and coke

Hang on now. Nobody mentioned hookers and coke.

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Weā€™re here to show you up for the murdering, raping scumbags that you are. Being pig ignorant and believing in fairy tales is one thing - raping little kids, enslaving women and shoving the dead bodies of little babies into mass graves is your legacy in this country - if not the worldā€¦ fuck knows what you rapists are at in Africa