The official Roman Catholic thread

Fuck that. 72 virgins mate, still time to convert.

@Tassotti is a sex abuse survivor you cunt, how dare you.

A great tradition is a christeningā€¦6 or 7 kids now though at one time on the alter (austerity). I remember my youngest christening, one of the young ings was Antnee, the sneers from the limerick::grin:

Youā€™ll die. The lid will go on the box and your insignificant existence will be at an end. Religion appeals to folk who cannot deal with that fact. And of course the gullible.

The sort who gloried in controlling others havenā€™t gone away. Just moved on to other causes.

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Please leave @ChocolateMice answer that query.

What query?

Yet another unfunny thread ending comment. How you you manage to kill all conservation in one foul swoop. Iā€™d say youā€™d be a right press man for Fine Gael,
Just keep droning on and on and on until people give up.

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where did we come from i think?

Please leave me alone.

Why donā€™t you stop replying to him?

This is the crux of it, those who donā€™t want to believe that they are responsible for their own actions and future and those who cant handle the thoughts of never seeing their friends and family again throw themselves upon religion.

Let me handle this one.
We are apes. Genetically we are 96% the same as a chimp. The only logical conclusion to draw from that is that both humans and chimps (and bonobos) descended from a common ancestor, and we have plenty of evidence to back that up.
If @Brimmer_Bradley or any other poster has an alternative explanation, the onus is on them to provide even a small bit of evidence to back it up.

lads the bottom line is we are a dot, which we still have no iota how small of a dot. the universe is constantly expanding, it has since its inception (you can also argue how that came about) but if you believe in a greater power dont believe in what youā€™ve been told by religions

Humans have been fearful of death since they became self aware. Even the Neanderthals had funeral rights, suggesting they must have been self aware to some degree. Itā€™s an irrational fear, you may as well worry about where you were before you were born.

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You were in heaven, then god wipes your memory and sends you back for another spin.


So you believe in reincarnation. Interesting, you must be one of those a la carte Catholics.


Stop blaming God! cc @ChocolateMice

Did you not take Religion class in school

Matthew 17:10-13ā€

And the disciples asked him, ā€œThen why do the scribes say that first Eliā€™jah must come?ā€ He replied, ā€œEliā€™jah does come, and he is to restore all things; but I tell you that Eliā€™jah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of man will suffer at their hands.ā€ Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.

Yip. Look up what Desmond Connell could say twenty years ago. Another twenty and itā€™s over in this country.

There is no afterlife.

Youā€™ll get your reward in heaven. What a taleā€¦