The official Roman Catholic thread

Fucking church making us s joke of the Ireland again dirty evil cunds

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I hope he was in pain when he died

GOD IS A AS SICK AS THEM:rage: @Tassotti what are you saying forgive for killing kids a very bad thing to say on TFK CC @ChocolateMice @Mac @Rocko LOCK THIS THREAD

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all those babies went straight to heaven

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Now your messing your not that sick

Joe you’re forgetting all the good that the priests did in Ireland and also abroad as missionaries.

WTF no good if you rape and kill kids

They gave me a good education joe. In both primary and post primary, the lay teachers went home @ 15:00 the nice priests were always around.

So that makes what they did ok???

No Joe but it’s fairly pathetic to tar them all with the one brush, like every walk of life there’s plenty of bad eggs, many more good priests and nuns than bad in the church at the moment I’d say.

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Ah they didn’t understand joe they thought they were doing good and saving the babies from a life of poverty.

Ahh yea god love them

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I know. Sure only for the church we’d have been fucked altogether. God love the nuns is rigbt.

How can you label them good when they did nothing about such institutions or abuse over the years? Not speaking out is as bad as carrying out the act… You can blab on about it being the society at the time but that doesnt really cut the mustard… your ‘good’ priest and nuns were all well educated people who stuck their head in the ground.

It suits you to peddle that and that’s fine, this historic abuse is absolutely dreadful but a large percentage of current priests had nothing to do with it and no knowledge of it, it’s not right to speak broadly and blame current clergy, do you admire anybody in the church?

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Its a fair point, however I’m sure there was plenty of others who new about it (eg politicians who were there to “protect” their citizans) and they are also culpable. That’s the control the cunts had though…

So what I still want to know what this fucked up sick church did

Only backward people woud’nt

Why would I admire any in an institution that peddles a lie to control people? It’s the equivalent of the Nazis… the history of the Catholic church is horrendous in every country it has gone to and has stripped as much material wealth from countries as any colonial power… The bastards used to read names of those poor folks who didn’t contribute from the altar here up to the 70s , and that was just your average good priest… Fuck the lot of them.

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