The official Roman Catholic thread

@backinatracksuit is backword

No Joe, youā€™re the one whoā€™s living in the past. I donā€™t blame you for the sins of your father.
Iā€™m not a practicing Catholic by the way, I donā€™t even think about it, not enough interest for agnosticism.

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Your talking about individualsā€¦ we are on about an institution that has been carrying out murder, rape, robbery and brainwashing for close to 2000 yearsā€¦ you mug.

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Say the church was evil

Why did you reply to my post so when you knew all along what I was talking about? I only ever referred to modern day priests of whom I know a few that are very decent people. If you want a row take it up with one of the mockeah bible bashers.

Modern days priests have bought into and are peddling the sins of their fathers ā€¦ just as bad.



On that basis then, would you apply the same logic to Sinn Fein members and supporters?

Youā€™ll have to flesh that out as iā€™m not sure what youā€™re on about?

@iron_mike please tell me you are not dancing around what the church did

Iā€™m only applying the same logic to Sinn Fein as you are to the Catholic Church. Iā€™m sure the likes of Mary Lou etc. Have never shot, killed or robbed a bank but because they are members of Sinn Fein, they are branded terrorists as Iā€™m sure you witnessed in the recent Dail debates. However according to your logic regarding the Catholic Church, they are just as guilty of the sins of their fathers by association.
Smaller scale then the church but the same logic

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What are you talking about? Sinn Fein are a political party?

Iā€™m not Joe. All Iā€™m saying is that like @backinatracksuit says you canā€™t label everyone with the same brush


And? The same argument applies.

i am Sorry bud

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Is that meant for me? Iā€™m not sure at all what youā€™re getting at? Sinn Fein are a political party - what have they done that modern day members should be ashamed off? Abstaining from Westminster?

SF had a cause the church was just evil

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Youā€™re missing the point.
First let me get my position clear.

  1. I am in no way defending what went on in Tuam or indeed as you have correctly stated what has been happening in the church since day one.
    @backinatracksuit pointed out , there are more decent people (priests and nuns) in it then there are evil.
    Whether you like it or not Sinn Fein are associated with the IRA which have also been responsible for various atrocities down through the year. Therefore your earlier statement that ā€œgoodā€ priest and nuns are guilty by association must also stand regarding Sinn Fein. The fact that they are a political party is irrelevant.