The official Roman Catholic thread


Are you ok?

Thatā€™s some of the stupidest shit iā€™ve read on here in a long time.


Youā€™re obviously a bit slow on the take up.
Iā€™ll say a prayer for you

Do, Mikeā€¦ say a load of them. When youā€™re finished you might check into reality thenā€¦ you could start by reading a few history books - you might realize how stupid your comments above come across then.

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Theyā€™re only stupid to you because you will defend an organisation (politic party ) associated with terrorist atrocities but at the same time ridicule another one for the same same reason.
Go figure


Dumb bullshit but could also conceivably be a bog trotting Fianna FƔil supporter engaging in Sinn FƩin whataboutery to deflect from the fact that Fianna FƔil were in government while babies were being killed in state sponsored homes in Ireland.


Freedom fighters.

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+1. You are indeed a tiresome clown.

And you need to go back to the Celtic thread. Ask @Fran for Jockstrap McHaggisheads phone number. See if gives a shit about your views


Why donā€™t you shove another child in a whole in the ground, sicko.

Why donā€™t you go off and kidnap some innocent woman. Put her in a hole somewhere ( in the name of freedom) Deny it for years as well and you might remember in a decade or so where you buried her.


Why donā€™t you stop trying to point score over a concentration camp for children, you reprehensible cunt?


Heā€™s twisted.

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Cc @Bandage.

Oooft rating

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Innocent woman? Iā€™ve no idea what youā€™re on about - Are you confusing things with rats and people that colluded with the occupying British army?

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Another simple god believer coming in to back his fellow idiot believer up.

And you asked me to check my history. Plus you had the audacity to call me sick.
You twisted fucker

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I only asked you a question, mate. Itā€™s gas, your the same fella that would be banging on about the glory of the old IRA 1918-1922 and calling them heroes yet they did the exact same things as the provos - you hypocritical bastardā€¦

@ChocolateMice does have a point here (eg, freedom fighters) We were (still are) a country not free from British (and European) rule. with some genocide thrown in, of course people will rebel (and be labelled terrorists). and it is very much understandable. thereā€™s no comparison to the stuff the catholic church are responsible for, abusing their powerā€¦ We have however been let down big time by our so called leaders. i alluded to it earlier about governmentsā€™, cover up of the shit and general unaccountably.