The official Roman Catholic thread

I was prepared to have a reasonable debate with you. As I stated I in no way will even attempt to defend the actions what happened in Tuam or indeed the history of cover ups and abuse in the Church. My in tial criticism was your generalisation that all members of the chutch are guilty by association. Your the one that started the abuse

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Theyā€™re only innocent lads on here Mike, pay no mind to them. No mature reasoning there at all, they donā€™t understand what theyā€™re talking about.

There was a conflict - with three sides involved antagonizing each other - bad things happened unfortunatelyā€¦ The catholic church is an institution built on brainwashing people into believing in lies so the Chruch can control people for profitā€¦ Joining such an institution is far more evil then going out defending your community against baying sectarian mobs, a sectarian police force, and an occupying army inflicting interment on innocent people. All these ā€˜goodā€™ modern day priests and nuns, why arenā€™t they speaking out? Too busy counting the collection basket no doubt.

aye, grabbing at the cash boxā€¦

Iā€™m not denying that.
The church was formed out of an idea ology which some might label a cause. And yes you are right Sinn Fein had and some will argue still do have a legitimate cause. My point is that a lot of organisations will inevitably attract bad apples particularly as they get bigger. But that does not necessarily mean that the party, organisation, religion as a whole has moved away from its ideals and tarnishing everybody with the same brush is at best lazy and and can be quite hypocritical just because you have a different view/belief.

Incidentally the initial ideals of the NAZI party could arguably be justified as the treaty of Versaille which would have buried the German people and economy for centuries had it been adheres to. This was Hitlers main issue. His anti semitic views were a by product.

Simple a la the lads on here who support their political party with the same blind delusional fervour they have for their beloved cross-channel soccer PLCā€™s?

Iā€™m off out now to do a quick Stations of the Cross now before hitting Cusack Park :wink:

Iā€™m off out now to do a quick Stations of the Cross now before hitting Cusack Park :wink:
You might need some divine inspiration allright :smiley:

I donā€™t know anyone on this board that fits that description bar FF supporters.

Fair points bud. one thing the church never envisaged though was the" evolution"of man, science/formation of lifeā€¦ they are a fraud and fill peoples brains with shite.

Sums up the blind followers of the Church wonderfully, well played, Mike.

Not disagreeing with that. But my initial point still stands

Can also be applied to SF supporters which is exactly my point

Do you know many?

Many what?

SF supporters

Probably not as many as you and I know that you are going to tell me that you know shit loads of Roman Catholics and consider them all sheep or something to that effect

Yourā€™e jumping to lots on conclusions there, mateā€¦ you made a comment about SF supporters, I was just wondering what youre basing it onā€¦ it seems itā€™s on nothing at all. Good man, keep going.

And you made a comment about catholics. Over to you

Iā€™ve 2000 years of history and a life time of experience living on a largely catholic island to cement that.