The official Roman Catholic thread

went to half 7 mass this morning and prayed for a united ireland


And it only took SF a fraction of that time to do the on this island

I fail to see what Arthur Griffith’s party did to this island?

I rest my case.

So you think we should be still part of the union, mate? That’s fair enough. We all know where we stand now.

Excellent observation. Because one doesn’t vote Sinn Fein. @ChocolateMice assumes one is a unionist. Brilliant

I’m just trying to establish what your banging on about - the first Dail of 1919 was made up of all Sinn Fein men which you claimed to have caused untold damage to Ireland - can you clarify your position please - you’ve so much venom against the founding fathers of our state what eles would I presume except that you are another John Bruton

That’s not what I said. Go back and read the posts. You’re reeling so much at the moment, you’re liable to meet yourself at the front door.
Take a breather pal

I’m reeling ??? :joy::joy::joy:


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The state did nothing either which is the larger crime. Remember that almost all members of Sein Fein (the ones that survived) went on to become career politicians in FG and FF. The government funded and oversaw all of these institutions, Industrial schools for example were under the Dept of Education and monitored regularly by officials, Tuam was funded by Galway County Council, etc.

I’m not defending the church, they had a lot of evil people in their ranks and facilitated and covered up their crimes. The state is more culpable though in my eyes though, as they were elected to serve the population, including its most vulnerable, and failed miserably.

It’s easy to look back and judge, we didn’t live through the decades after independence, the depression years, the economic conditions of the time. It should be pointed out that, bad and all as the Irish state was, their contemporaries across Europe were rounding up and slaughtering millions at the time, mostly in response to the same economic conditions.


pretend provies don’t like it up em

Says the people who raped and killed babys party

Nice post. The young lads here haven’t a clue about what went on in those times. They forget that the likes of Tuam was a direct result of a new republic, an improvised one that was finding its feet after 800 years of oppression. The Brits starved us during the famine and also left us to starve our own in the early days of independence. Yet they admonish the freedom fighters that’s we owe so much to.


There’s nothing that boils my piss more than cunts on their high horses saying you can’t excuse it because of the times that were in it. The same cunts if they had to endure a day of what people went through back then, would slit your throat for a bowl of soup.


Little prissy cunts that’d cry if they saw an hours hardship or a day’s work. Easy to spot the lifelong students here alright. Aye. and plenty of time on their hands to think about how bad the church is. Little fucking spoiled bastards.


Thats actually a tremendous post

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Says the man that has been ran by two old dears continuously … whose 11 year old daughter bullied him into buying her an iphone, and brought his mrs to stay in a brothel in Galway to save a few bob - Don’t be on here giving out because you’re a weak cunt.

So you’re willing to excuse every well educated middle class priest/ nun for not speaking out because it was ‘the times’ ?

Iwon Mike defending the Nazis and the Papist murderers is bizarre