The official Roman Catholic thread

Then Claiming Sinn Fein have destroyed this Island … Tho it was Sinn Fein that led the charge to freedom for the 26… A strange man, so he is.

That’s not what I’m saying at all, and the fact you would conclude that from what I wrote is disturbing.

You’re a holocaust denier.

The IRA led the charge for freedom. The majority who fought opposed the treaty and most of them never entered politics. The SF politicians went on to form FG and FF and sat idly by while the children of the state were being raped.

Bizarre comment.

So they were not members of Sinn Fein when the abuse happened? Thanks for clearing that up… @iron_mike, even @anon7035031 clearly notes that Sinn Fein had nothing to do with the abuse on this island, can you re-clarify your comments please.

Theres no room left on the field @ChocolateMice. You’ve changed the goalposts around too much. You don’t event know what you’re debating anymore.

First off, I’m no where near debating … Secondly, you’re the one trying to claim points off the massacre of children by bringing in the supposed actions of a political party since 1916 and are trying to equate their actions during an armed conflict involving three sides (it’s gas when you talk about IRA violence you always leave out the violence they were responding to in the British army and loyalism) to an institution that people willingly join in order to brainwash other people to take their money and control their lives. You’re all over the shop, Mike. The catholic church are an aggressive, murdering machine and always have been. Sinn Fein was created to combat another aggressive murdering machine.

You really have to laugh at pretend Ira lads going on about child abuse considering what the paedo Ira got up to

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You’re the one that started shifting the goal posts chief not me. And now all of a sudden I’m a holocaust denier. Good man. You should start writing for the Mail on Sunday.

He is right here all the same. The state holds the lions share of responsibility. It was a cold and vicious organ at the time.
It unfortunately allowed and encouraged a theocracy, and history has shown how well theocracys work. Religious orders tend to become infiltrated by lunatics, fanatics and deviants, mainly as the people of good faith simply cannot believe it of their colleagues. The state should have put a stop to it. In fact, the state facilitated it.


christ that’s a wonderful post

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Be careful what you wish for brother…


Oh dear…

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thats a fake meme off the rubber arsebandits site

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Hon Bill Donohue :ronnyroar:

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A new low.

is there any actual evidence?

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this is a great website, I love this article