The official Roman Catholic thread

A great website ā€¦ you said it was made up two posts above :joy:

Bill has remarkable courage in his faith.

a bastion of morality, the left wing, student prentend ira types are going mental


Your a thick slow person i feel for you

What a despicable hypocrite. If this cunt had a shred of decency, he would disband FG and ask that Meehaul do the same with FF. FG are the cunts who closed all of the workhouses in Ireland from 1922 onward, and replaced them with fuck all to take care of Irelandā€™s poor, mentally ill and unwanted. The religious orders like the Bon Secours stepped in to do the job as best they could and are now getting 100% of the blame for the fact that the state at the time couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t provide for its most needy.

As always, people look for someone else to blame for their own crimes. It was Irish people who dumped their unwanted unmarried daughters out on the streets and left them to fend for themselves. The way unmarried mothers and their babies were treated in Ireland was horrendous, a culture by the way that came from Victorian England where unmarried mothers and their babies were treated the same.

Maybe our resident historian @ChocolateMice can advise whether unmarried mothers were treated the same in almost exclusively Roman Catholic southern European countries like Italy and Spain. From what I have read, unmarried mothers and illegitimate children in continental Europe were not treated with the contempt they were treated with in the UK, which would suggest the culture came from the UK. No excuse, but when doling out the blame, include the quisling Irish who absorbed Victorian culture and laws and allowed this sick mentality carry on after independence.


Top top post. Well said.

Is that meant for me?

No Joe, I wouldnā€™t expect you would read more than a sentence.


Yea i never finished school

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The Gaelic Irish, for nearly 2000 years, protected mothers and children, as the most important thing in Gaelic society was the family- everything derived from kinship including our laws ā€¦ It was only when canon law finally displaced Brehon law that our older traditions and culture fell apart. Of course you canā€™t overlook economics either, and as ownership of land and inheritance replaced our own Gaelic attitude to land, added to cannon law, the modern family and attitudes to legitimacy of children radically changed.

The biggest driver of Victorian values in 19th century Ireland was one Mr Oā€™Connell - He was obsessed with middle class Britain and with turning Ireland into a little Britain. For this end he used the Catholic Church as his own private army to beat the peasant into shape. It was really from here that the church begun to wield power of Irish society as up to the earlier part of the 19th century the majority of the population didnā€™t pay too much heed to the church or priests. Lending to this was the shopocracy - By the 1830s there was a real militant attitude among the growing catholic middle class to attain positions of power and influence that had been safeguarded by the Ascendancy almost since Cromwell. They took on Oā€™Connellā€™s message and aspired to little Britain more than anyone ā€¦ together, they killed our language and customs and created a culture of looking down your nose at and shaming those and the lower end of society - a trait that still prevails strongly in Irish society today. It was they who inherited the keys to the kingdom and were more than happy to turn a blind eye to what went on in places like Tuam.

When you consider that Brehon law was still going strong in the 17th century, thatā€™s some change in about 150 years, that over two millenniaā€™s worth of customs and law were wiped out in a few generations. I still donā€™t think we have adapted psychologically - youā€™d often hear it remarked that we have a problem with authority in this country and iā€™d suggest that judicial law still hasnā€™t been adopted by the Irish psyche - But thatā€™s another discussion.

Your quisling Irish were the doctor, the merchant, the clerks and the large farmers, mateā€¦


thereā€™s a lot of truth in that article in fairness
the gays dont like it up 'em


Those fucking doctors have a lot to answer for.

Thereā€™s a decent article in todayā€™s Examiner, available online, that youā€™d agree with.

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Can you clarify . Did you pray for a United Ireland to happen or did you pray for a United Ireland when it happens ??

Donā€™t you be starting either you little Clare bollox.

Not true.

no evidence that children were killed or murdered, absolutely none