The official Roman Catholic thread

no false news


i was prostrate with prayer and was immersed in the fact that will of God would eventually drive the Brits to ruin

is that so?

it appears they died of natural causes and as was custom at the time due to not been baptised and born out of wedlock could therefore not be buried on consecrated ground

what is despicable is that they were not given a proper burial, but society at time rejected these people as untouchable, the church were the only people who took them in.
everyone at time was complict as to how the bodies were buried , the church just got on with the job , but to suggest the nuns murdered a load of children is utter rubbish and defamatory unless evidence is there of same


Lovely narrative but until financial support was introduced for unmarried mothers they were treated very similarly in western world


Canada’s “Baby Scoop Era” refers to the WWII postwar period from 1945 to 1988, when over 400,000 unmarried pregnant persons, mostly aged 15–19 (usually Caucasian), were targeted for their yet-to-be-born infants, simply because they were unmarried with a child. A large number of these young women were confined as inmates in maternity group homes, which were managed by religious orders, such as the Salvation Army, The Catholic Church, The United Church and The Anglican Church etc. These maternity “homes” were heavily funded by the state. There were over 70 maternity homes in Canada which housed between 20 and 200 pregnant women at a time. In Canadian maternity “homes” and hospitals, up to 100% of newborns were removed from their legal mothers after birth and given up for adoption purposes. These newborns were taken under a Health and Welfare protocol.


Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.

The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.

Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal. Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.


the screaming mullalys would sicken your shit, all they are interested in are hijacking a terrible tragedy for their own agenda


I didn’t mention the western world and I didn’t delve into the question of unmarried mothers too much - I delivered the quisling Irish and portrayed the changes in Irish culture upto the 19th century when attitudes to unmarried mothers, paupers and vagrants became one of disgust - the answer of course was institutions like workhouses and asylums. The Victorian age was about punishing / dehumanizing individuals for capital gain… I merely made the point that up to 150/200 years prior to that a set of laws and customs that had prevailed for over 2000 years still existed , ones that put onus on clan and kinship.

So you admit it was a tragedy and have no agenda only to find out the facts

yes, id imagine as a reasonable individual he does
it was a horrendous tragedy
the way Brendan o connor disrespected the dead in the sindo to persue an anti church agenda yesterday was disgusting


Brehon Laws allowed slavery. That is the ultimate of dehumanising people for capital gain.

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bating woman was allowed too under brehon law, great lads sure

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That makes sense I suppose. The version of Catholic culture adopted in Ireland was particularly radical. I’ve read a few studies of attitudes in Europe towards illegitimacy in the same period, and they didn’t seem to have a huge issue with it, even in predominantly Catholic countries.

yes a very similar situation in Israel where yemeni children were taken at birth and raised by ashkenazim parents in an attempt to kill off mizrachim (sepharadim) culture.
after Ben Gurion founded the state the Ashkenazim hierarchy couldnt handle the immigraton from Iran , Yemen and North Africa, they were appalled by their simpistic culture (that was essentially Arab) and like Yossi Benayoun’s family were housed in Tin cans in the Negev desert,
then like the british in australia with aboriginal children they went on a policy to destroy the mizrachim culture… it didnt last but that level of internal racism in israel (today both have their own chief rabbis) along with the massive secular ; haredim divison is what will destroy the state, not the arab conflict
Israel will be destroyed from within, that is a well known fact
today the most anti arab right wing pro netanyahu in israel are descendents of speharadim as they can identify the most with arabs so they seek to seperate themselves by preserving this almost backward , deeply traditional jewish culture, all those in position of finacial influnence in banking , media and industry are ashkenazim elite.
with bibi in power its like the lunatics have taken over the asylum, its like the blacks running south africa now with the mizrachim and their religous right wing cohorts running the state

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Slavery was currency in the medieval world, mate… You’re missing the point tho.

But where’s the evidence?

Evidence of what?

Scan for sarcasm Sandymount.

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They starved them to death to make them pay for their mother’s actions. That’s some fucked up shit.