The Official Superhero Movie Thread

Spoiler that chap.

It’s been out a month. Deal with it.



Tough crowd. Thought the geometry thing was very clever, Spiderman outsmarting Strange suited both characters perfectly. No one pressed the button so as not to kill people. Anyway, I thought it was great. Very clever in parts, the world building was excellent, the emotional parts were the strongest of any marvel film, twice. And it very cleverly did the origin story and showed how it could be the same but different across the different universes.

I agree conceptually it was very clever in a number of ways but the story was wafer-thin (the MIT stuff) and I really disliked the use of Aunt May/FEAST.

Jesus the eternals was terrible. Pretty shit on its own as a film but didn’t contribute anything much or anything necessary to the universe overall. A real boring set of characters to being in. It’s not like the eternals was well known or had a big fan base or needed to be brought in to set up something else.

Seems a lot of the stuff being introduced in this phase is very much third tier type characters. Shang chi and moon Knight and the black Knight, all very underwhelming. @cluaindiuic is this phase just all about expanding the whole universe and the cast as much as possible? It definitely feels less coherent than before.

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If you compare it to the Infinity Saga, it was relatively quick when the signposts were there for what was the end goal. i.e. Thanos being in the first Avengers post credit setting himself up as the big bad.

Right now the bet on who is the big bad is probably Kang and the story being told is the multiverse. I have concerns with that. I enjoyed how it worked in Loki, less so in Spiderman. A lot of it comes down to the amount of time given to lay out the premise. Dr. Strange 2 has to nail it or that whole stream of story will fall flat.

They’re in a tricky spot right now. They may be treating it a bit like a shot to nothing knowing that they have heavy hitters like F4, X-Men, Galactus etc… in their back pocket when needed.

Eternals, as I said at the time, was more world building. I wouldn’t be surprised if the two biggest things to come out of that are Black Knight and Eros. And they were barely on screen. But I also felt at the time that Eternals needed to tie into Loki/Kang in some way. And it didn’t. At the moment you have two streams happening simultaneously. A regular linear story. eg Shang Chi, F&WS, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Eternals. And you also have a multiversal story happening. Loki, WandaVision, Dr.Strange, Spiderman. One of them has to trump the other. And they need to be very careful how they manage those eventually coming together. To me, Multiverse is the A storyline and the other stuff is the B storyline.

There has been no announcement of the next giant Avengers size “all in” movie and it’s difficult to see where that comes together at the moment. Given their record you have to trust they’ll get it right but I’m less confident than normal about it.

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I wonder if they’re buildings by out in such a way at the moment that a single big tie in isn’t the goal any more in the way that infinity wars was. They could be building out in a few different directions to different streams of crossovers, a new avengers, then there’s the underworld themed ones with blade/black Knight/morbius which could be another tie in, young avengers could be another further down the line. The biggest thing they have coming is introducing X-Men, and that will surely lead to secret wars. Fantastic four have always been pretty boring and Galactus is a boring villain too, but Dr Doom will be good. The comic storyline the new tor is based was originally a multiverse themed one too, with alternate Thors.

@cluaindiuic Will there be a Deadpool 3? I wasn’t overly gone on number 2 but Reynolds is incredible in the role.

BTW, you should all be watching “Peacemaker” - if anyone needs a google drive link to the first four episodes, feel free to ask.

Yes and it will be part of the MCU.

so a series of denials and everyone else misunderstood him? thatll get him out of the shit for sure :smiley:


In all honesty how do ye watch this muck, the quality is clearly questionable and you have endless amounts of it to consume. Watching what ye are told by the Mouse :rofl:

Ye are like a bunch of 4channers spending all your time watching anime

And Sam Raimi directing…

Should be great. Professor X :star_struck:

Tying Together wandavision and Loki?