The Official Superhero Movie Thread

Fella reviewing filums on newstalk absolutely slated it earlier.

Shur what would he know?

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Not the strongest marvel film by a long chalk but entertaining. Looks like there was a battle between raimi and feiges vision for the film

Bruce :clap:

I saw this Saturday. If nothing else the entire movie was worth it for the lick of X-Men music when Xavier appeared, it was an absolutely class moment. I don’t get @Turenne’s complaint about the ensemble, I thought all the cameos were all great, possibly the best segment of the movie. What did he expect when he saw multiverse in the title? I really enjoyed it overall. I also think No Way Home was the best marvel movie yet.

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My complaints about the ensemble? Huh?

I thought his complaints about the ensemble were weird too.

This bit. I’d disagree with you, the guests/ensemble were the best bit of the film.

He has weird complaints

I enjoyed Thor.

It’s getting a lot of shit in reviews and whatnot. Not sure what that’s about. I have some minor quibbles with it but it was pretty good. Bit of very clever funny shit in there if you’re paying attention.

Two post credit scenes. Both good, not great.

I’m 20 minutes into The Batman. Not bad so far. Even moodier than The Dark Knight trilogy.


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Hook it to my veins. Haven’t they announced a new Deadpool within the MCU?

Yeah as did I. Clearly not taking itself seriously which is good.
Having worked in a Greek owned diner for a summer once upon a time, I really enjoyed Russel Crowe’s turn :rofl:

Zoe Kravitz…


Oh great another famtastic 4 reboot :roll_eyes:

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