The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

If you’ve a choice for most events between a top and a fiver off the price, take the latter. The tops are usually of really shitty quality. I had two from Limerick that I never really wore because one was way too baggy with very tight sleeves and the other was terribly fitted as well

I’m signed up for the Wexford half on Sunday week. Hoping to make it to the startline without any more injury speed bumps.

I’m off on family holidays at the end of May so might see if I can squeeze something in before then. The Fastlane looks interesting but if Leinster are playing in the H-Cup final the day before then I won’t be running so will need to see how the semi goes before committing.

I hadn’t seen the Terenure 5 mile on the race lists before (cc @Bandage) so that might do the job.


New owners this year, they’ll try to milk every penny out of it no doubt. Some money spinner

There’s loads of races & some are the official type with Athletics Ireland permits & others are more locally run affairs. So it’s often hard to find one place with all the options listed together. Athletics Ireland has a race calendar alright & I find My Run Results & Pop Up Races are the official timekeepers for the majority of races & they have race calendars on their sites/apps too.

Best of luck with Wexford. It goes out of town past Johnstown Castle to the countryside villages of Murrintown & Piercestown & then back in. We were unlucky last year with very strong winds. It was behind us for the out part on the sheltered rural roads so we didn’t get the full benefit & then back in along the main road into our faces!

That Terenure Race is organised by Sportsworld Running Club who are based out of Bushy Park & I think it’s 2 loops around the general Terenure area.

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Did previous crowd sell it?

This is the top for this years event. WTF like.

Perfect if you have tiny arms like Jordan Pickford

The Regeneron Great Limerick Run is the biggest mass participation sporting event outside Dublin.

By god.

I actually like the look of that

We got a lovely Adidas t shirt for Berlin but it cost an extra 30e I think, the ‘free’ ones are always rubbish

Your young lass is obviously now the cool kid. Because by god anyone who hasn’t puked at one stage from sports over exertion isn’t worth knowing.

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There is a €35 long sleeve technical top 1/4 zip for GLR this year as an option . I won’t be purchasing but it looks decent. You’re 100% right. The free ones are getting worse and worse. Charleville HM always had the best of tops I’ve found but now they seem to be an added extra to the price.

I did the GLR full marathon in 2017. A friend picked up the top for me at registration and it wasn’t the marathon specific one. I never wore it because it was an awful fit anyway.

I was buying some shoes online before and was looking for a decent but cheap long sleeve top. I found an Asics one from the 2017 Paris Marathon that I wear a lot particularly for mountain running. It cost me 1.99. Nobody has ever asked me did I run the Paris marathon but now I have a top for my 2017 marathon. Good quality and comfortable.


I’ve been involved in organizing a local run here the last few years and what race companies are charging for tshirts has gone extortionate, probably up 100% in cost since 2 years ago. They’re better off without them rather than handing out shite but it’s still engrained in a lot of social runners minds that they need a tshirt as evidence of doing it

Some ppl are obsessed with the ‘bling’ . Getting a medal and a top. I’d rather a well ran race for €25 than a €45 for a T-shirt and finisher medal.


Tshirts and medals and all that auld bullshit. More landfill.


spot on

A lad down here does most of those wooden medals that you see now. Seems to have carved (pun intended) a decent niche for himself. The medals look fairly shite but they make very decent drinks coasters apparently

I do like the DCM bling and the hat and top have got plenty of use and the medal is a nice source of price / ego massaging. For big things like that it makes sense. But for a 5km in aid of a local school or GAA club they could do without it

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I’d agree there yes. Big events sure. That’s why GLR effort is so disappointing. I ran the Full Marathon in Limerick in 2018 and it had a different top to the rest of the events. There is now nothing to distinguish between the 6mile and Marathon.

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