The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

My toughest ever day as a runner, no way I’d have finished if it wasn’t my hometown race with family waiting.

Two races in a 4 weeks too much I feel, had to walk a fair bit, very embarrassing but proud to stick it out

1:44 and a bit, ten minutes slower than the last day :man_shrugging:


Still a good time. Nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s great to be able to get out and do it


Thats still a very good time. Fair play for sticking it out


Your heartrate was very high after only a couple of miles. Id say you are definitely coming down with something


+1. Heart rate up above 190 after 3kms suggests a bug. Well done for sticking it out @backinatracksuit. Well done too @TreatyStones & @Rintintin, two great runs. I don’t know the other TFKers REAL LIFE names (I think) so we await news from them…& from our man in Belfast too of course.


Got around in 1.42.46 to knock 2 mins off my PB. The last bit out to Gaelic Grounds and back in is an awful slog


Great stuff, congratulations.


Aboy the kid!!


Yeah you were gassed when you passed me at the back of the TUSGG, you were walking up the hill but broke into a jog just after you passed me :+1:

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Savage stuff @Rintintin @TreatyStones and @Crutches :clap:


Yeah, that’s frightening really, I was fucked
I had decided after about 5k that I’d keep going to meet the family at Punches Cross (10k) and leave it at that, but I felt a bit better and kept going
There’s no logical explanation, possibly a bug or something, maybe asking too much after a fast half four weeks ago, I dunno,
But that was difficult, I actually can’t believe I had to walk so much during a half, I suppose once you make that call to walk the first time it’s all over :man_shrugging:


Just in the door from the half marathon. Have to say the stewards were fantastic, really encouraging at all times as were the people who lined the streets. Nearly coughed up a lung on that hill by the Gaelic Grounds but kept going somehow. Now for a feed of porter🍺


That race 4 weeks ago had no bearing.

I’m tryna make sense of it, I never thought I’d see the day where I’d absolutely have to walk after about 15k running

Maybe a 24 hour fast will fix me :grinning:

You are sick/bug of some sort.

Probably shouldn’t have had those 4 pints so :open_mouth::grinning:

We’ll go again :+1:

Up the fuckin rebels now :face_with_peeking_eye:


It can happen. I completely blew in Charleville half marathon 4 years ago. Ended up walking over the line and got under 3 hours in Amsterdam about 5 weeks later. Sometimes you can you just have a bad day.


Happened in me in limerick 12 months ago. Pulled up passing sarsfield bridge my lowest point ever as a runner. I know now twas a virus but it drove me on to the best year of running I’ve ever had so all I’ll say is use it as fuel if you can!! . Obviously quoted the wrong post in this . But all I can say is there will be days like that . Chalk it up and drive on @backinatracksuit fair play for finishing out.


A mixed day Today. On reflection I’m very happy with the time, but last 10k an in particular the last 6km were really tough. I don’t feel i left anything in the tank. I’d a fairly disrupted last 3 weeks due to work & coaching but with more structure there’s probably more in me. Great to see the city absolutely buzzing all afternoon.


The half and full marathon course there are apparently very tough lads. Serious running from all of yez, fair play.