The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

Job Done, well done on that. Sub 30 always a good run for 5 Miles. Fair play.


Well done @Bandage . First race in a while and coming off an injury? . Nothing at all wrong with that time. Well done.


Did you shave your legs?
Well done!

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Thanks, delighted with the time. Felt great for 6k and was hard work from then on.


Thanks lads. 36 & a bit was all I had in my legs. Lost touch with the 35-minute pacer between 1 & 2 miles & it was a struggle. But glad I stuck at it & I wasn’t bothered by the calf (touch wood). That was on the back of 6 weeks’ easy running with a couple of 7 mile runs & a 10 mile last weekend so need to do some sessions to improve the speed side. PS, I didn’t shave my legs.


Well done @Bandage and @Wexford1996 today

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Great times boys :muscle::muscle:

Hail hail :raised_hands::raised_hands:

Meanwhile, I went out on the hills, took a wrong turn, and was so soaked by the time I got back, some elderly woman got a good view of my arse and bollocks as I had to whip the shorts off at the car.


Fair play. Decent time if you’re coming back from injury etc.

I was off for a 90 min run today. By complete chance I ended up running along Bushy Park when the run was on - looked like a big crowd out for it.

As I pottered along I took the time to clap as loudly as possible so hopefully that bit of support helped drive you on.


Just shy of 1,000 finishers according to the results & they had over 1,200 entrants apparently. Thank you for your support & it was also great to have Coach @fenwaypark on course.


Lads, any recommendations for wireless earbuds/earphones when running? Not sure of terminology but just the ones that go into or clip onto each ear rather than the big, ungainly headphone yokes.

The Bone Conduction ones by Shokz are genuine game changers.


These are great. Cheap and cheerful. Good sound and not annoying when you misplace or lose them.


@Bandage these are perfect for running.

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I’d go with @Mac . The Shokz are the absolute job. Light and no issues with falling out etc.


The only thing I’d say about the Shokz ones is that they are too big and don’t fit quite right. Probably because they are one size fits all. Apart from that they are great, with a superb battery life.

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Thanks lads. :+1:t2::running_man::notes::headphones:

My sister has a pair of the bone conducting ones, I’ll get back to you…

I’ve gone through 2-3 pairs and they’ve always fit perfectly. Maybe I’ve a larger head or something

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The Bose soundsport are very good earphones. Mine even survived my Mrs putting then in washing machine.


Shockz open run

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