The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

Best of luck @Locke.
I wouldn’t last in that heat. Went out to do a slow jog and to stay under 140bpm throughout. Achieved the first part but the HR went up towards end. Too warm for me.


Good luck @Locke hot day for it


Just about to comment same,place is bedlam around Mahon,
Well road , traffic backed up but AGS at all junctions so should be fine.

Saw chaps walking it,heats killing them

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Go for it kid
Watch the dodgy drivers :+1::grinning:

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Did the half as well, breeze helped a little but the last few miles were brutal.

A lot of the people doing the full looked in bad shape, hope everyone is OK.


Too many people (all men actually) laid fucked on the ground. Ambulance called for one chap after the Tennis Village. One chap puking up bile on the foot bridge towards the North Mall.

V hot but got around. Official time 2:13 but I have 2:08 on my watch so I’ll take that. Stopped once for a slash


A mate of mine, actually husband to my wife’s best friend ran 2:54 in his second marathon after only taking up running last year and not taking it terribly serious

Some guys :man_shrugging:


Well done @Locke & @cmontofuck, that’s fair going in this heat.


Well done @cmontofuck and @Locke


Paddy can’t perform once it goes over 12 degrees


I’ve a brother touching 60 dies the iron man
Not a bother

All these girls were travelling light. No change of clothes. All back on the train now and there’s a bit of a pong. I’m surprised they don’t provide facilities for the day trippers.

Give me heat and humidity anyday over the cold.

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Different strokes I guess, I’ve never felt the cold held me back in any way when I’m running in the depths of winter

Petty much like yourself, aiming for 1:40, but happy to get in just under 1:45.

Had to walk half a mile after Farenelee Rd . Head was burning,


Strava do a heat map. This is quite cool. I’d say only @Mac could better it.

Wouldn’t come close to that for the last 12 months anyway. Must take a look

That’s overall. Didn’t put a time restraint on it.

They put me on that free subscription thing for a month (without me asking). I went on the computer and looked at my heatmap of the Cooleys. Was actually quite cool to see it. Could see all the lines where I clearly got lost. Meant to screenshot it before the sub ran out but forgot to :man_shrugging:

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Are you in Budapest still?
Margaret’s Island has a lovely running track, and the top of Gelert is a decent climb