The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

Anyone doing Clontarf half in a few weeks?

I did mean the half :man_facepalming:

I was half thinking at one stage of doing the Antrim Coast one. Was getting mixed messages from people on whether it was advisable or not.

Just tipping away. No watch. I’m very busy at the moment so just getting out when I can and not worrying I miss a few days.

That would be no bother to you. If its not a target race,its a great way to get 13 miles at pmp done.


I think you’d be mad not to. You need to race a little bit for your head and to see where you are at. Putting all your eggs in the marathon basket brings its own pressures. Doing a good race takes the pressure off a bit.

These yokes are unreal good. I’m hoping they might help reignite my fun running career in ways I never thought possible.


This is a very good point I think. I ran Charleville Half about 6 weeks out from Dublin last year , it went really well for me and I got a PB without it feeling overly taxing, it took a lot of pressure off my Dublin run then as I knew I had gotten something out of the training block even if Dublin ended up being a complete flop on the day. Went on to do a marathon O was very pleased with after it.


Great run out of @Wexford1996 in St Coca’s . Standard was blistering going by the results .


Was that the 5k on Friday?

A guy on follow on Strava did it in 17:30 or something like that. I reckoned that was a cracking time and then logged onto the overall results to see he came something like 150th !


Thanks, happy with it as had been sick and was only getting back right. It’s a great race. My PB was from that race last year. Seriouly competitive. I think there were about 350 under 20 minutes.


I drank for 9 hours yesterday, slept for about 7 hours and went for a run this morning that I think I was still drunk starting. My own stubbornness was the primary reason. I felt like I needed to punish myself for some bizarre reason. I ran every ounce of drink out of me and I’d say avoided a savage hangover as a result.

There’s a fine line between accountability and stupidity…


A recipe for injury

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Absolutely. Thankfully it ended well. Bizarrely felt very strong towards the end but cut it short by 3km. Let’s just say the HR for that run can be safely ignored!

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I did that last week but with no pace. Thought I was going to see the weisbier at one stage, but I was right as rain for the rest of the day.

I saw @backinatracksuit doing the Rocky Routine down some steps this morning

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Rocky went up them though!

Goin up steps is for pussies, go down the steps and take the long way to get the elevation back :muscle:

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The fitness score trend is really winding me up since I subscribed to Strava. Apparently my fitness is 31% lower than exactly one year ago, I’ve a current score of 56 versus 81 back then. How do they even come up with the number? :rage:

I’m trying to patiently get back to some level of consistently enjoyable running. I probably mentioned this before but I ran the Terenure 5 Mile in mid May following a cautious return to running after my most recent in a series of calf strains. 7-10 days on from the race I I developed pain in the hip/arse/glute area, not just tightness but a sharp pain transmitting down the back of the leg on each stride basically. Great, a different injury. Took 2 weeks off either side of a family holiday in Spain & physio reckons it was gluteal tendinitis & I should build up again slowly while doing the rehab exercises too. Got up to 1 hour easy running late last week but then felt glute pain in the other side on a light Sunday run. Nothing to be be too alarmed about & can be common enough, according to physio. Just the other side feeling a bit left out. None of these “easy” runs have been enjoyable, it’s all been a slog. One of the Raheny coaches says regaining fitness is like climbing back up a mountain you already scaled. Indeed.

So the physio reckons I should limit my running for the moment to 4 days per week with 1 long run (just going up in 10%-15% segments from current 1 hour base) & 1 moderate intensity session (again building it up so if my session was say 8x400m then maybe start at 4x400m in week 1 & dial back the paces to around 75% of target) & 2 steady/easy/recovery days. He said I could chance 5 days if I replaced the session with another easy day & then another run that would be a mix of easy with a little tempo thrown in (e.g. a pick up in pace for 10 minutes within a run). Seems a bit finger in the air but it would be good to reintroduce some faster work & sessions.

I guess I need to stick to the process & physio prescribed activities but maybe it’s madness for an auld lad to be trying to run fast (for me). DCM is 16 weeks & 5 days away & I’m getting this nagging feeling that I’m already behind schedule (reference my fitness score & I haven’t been able to follow Coach @fenwaypark ’s plan yet) but then I was purring in training last summer & had a shocker on the day. I’ll just have to keep tipping away at it & see where I get to. I find it hard to believe I’ll get through the training block without breaking down again but anyway.

Short version of above post:
I’ve literally & metaphorically a pain in the hole from running.


That’s fairly annoying alright. I’d say injuries are easily the hardest part about running.

Is the Strava fitness score basically an average of the amount/intensity of running you’ve been doing so just a function of how much training you’ve done over the past few weeks?

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I’ve a fitness score of 21, it hasn’t gone over 25 this year and I’ve run a sub 1:34 half marathon