The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

Brilliant running today @tallback


Thanks. Delighted with how it went. A much better day to be running than yesterday!


How’s everyone getting on since? This thread is less busy than before, I don’t know if it’s waning enthusiasm or people quietly going about their business.

I’ve been training away since my last detailed post a month back & I’m on week 2 of a structured Coach @fenwaypark 14-week plan to hopefully get me to the Dublin marathon starting line.

Stepping up in distance on a phased basis - Monday tempo, Friday long run & strides during a couple of the other weekly runs. I’m wary of any bit of cramp/fatigue in my calf but it’s probably as much in my head at this stage.

I signed up for the Dublin half marathon in Phoenix Park in late September. I reasoned that race benefits (if I’m still injury free at that stage) potentially offset the missed long training run that weekend. It’s 6 weeks out from the marathon itself. No other races planned at the moment but slowly starting to enjoy it again.

Did we ever get a marathon roll call actually? And is anyone doing Berlin or anything instead of Dublin this year?


Im on easy list for forseeable. Looks like Ive a dose of quad tendonitis.

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Was going well until I moved house last few weeks. Back at it this week. Signed up for Ratoath half so need to get going. Rain has been a pain in the hole. Don’t enjoy running in it.


Sorry to read that @fenwaypark, hope it’s a mild dose & quick return.

Good luck with Ratoath @Loko_Cove. I see there’s meant to be torrential rain from Friday afternoon all the way into Saturday. I don’t mind it too much in isolation but it gets annoying when it’s every day.

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Have to get out for a long one this wkd regardless of the weather.

I was trundling along doing decent weekly mileage until I did a groin/abductor muscle while over-enthusiastic on an interval session. Benched for a week now and we’ll see what the physio tells me tmrrw. Next race is the Irish Life 10 mile in Phoenix park in a couple of weeks

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I’ve lost all motivation. A lot on this time of year and just no motivation to make the time to get out. At the same time, I kinda want to get back into it, but lacking the spark.


You were putting up savage mileage. Hopefully all will be grand.
I’ve a small back niggle at moment. Same issue as last year. In with my PT next week to get him to sort it out. Can run away with it anyway, but holding back on pace, which is no real issue for me anyway.


I’m doing Valencia marathon in December. Had a back/hip issue last few weeks that’s down to lack of strength exercises. Hasn’t prevented me from running and uncomfortable more than anything. Like @Loko_Cove I’m planning to run Rathoath half but haven’t entered yet. Might do the Frank Duffy 10 mile before that if I get through the next week ok.


Have been tipping away, should have gone out this evening before the rain but did a bit of gardening instead cc @Faldo

Read Kevin Sinfields book whilst on holidays, signed up for the Rob Burrows Leeds marathon in May 2024 :see_no_evil:.


You literally have a window of an hour these evenings. Don’t mind if it pisses down when I’m out, but hard to be motivated to go when it’s pissing before you leave


What date is that one?

Sat 19th Aug

Toughen up a bit lads. What are ye going to do if ye turn up to a race and it’s pissing rain?

Dublin is still my plan. Got my longest run in so far last Friday at 25km and a nice speed session on Tuesday but have ended up with a slight Medial Ligament strain which is a new one for me. Nothing a week’s rest shouldn’t sort. Plan to do Ratoath. I might do the Oylegate half as well as a training run around marathon pace. All depends on how I’ve recovered.

As an aside I took the plunge and got a pair of Hoka Carbon Runners. They’re ridiculous. It actually feels like you’ve got springs in your feet. Haven’t really broken them in yet but looking forward to giving them a proper go


Hoka are the truth for running shoes.

There’s more injuries and niggles in this thread than in a small hospital


Lovely consistent run this morning @Bandage

HR seemed a tad high towards end? You coming down with a cold? Look after yourself bud.

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