The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread


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Some going @Rintintin :clap:

Did you run @TreatyStones ?

You see who won it @fenwaypark ?

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No, but I assume your pal?

Yep, 31:30. Ridiculous


He is some man

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No, ran earlier in the week and just felt i was way off where I needed to be to race it. Plus it would have taking a bit of juggling of family matters so felt it wasn’t worth it. Went for a run in the wind and rain in the morning instead.

I’m happy enough with how I’m going in general and will start doing a bit of faster stuff this week.


Wise decision. Always so tempting to push for it

Ya and given how well all my other running pals went I’d have come away demoralised :grinning:


The curse of an individual sport :joy:


Thanks for that lads. Only decided to head to Caherconlish at 11 this morning, was at work and clocked out as 2 lads from work were going (glad I did now) . I wasn’t feeling right all week. Think I have a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle between my hamstring and glute so had decided afterr a tester last night I’d leave it off as I wasn’t feeling right. But I’m so mean I had the €25 paid so had to go. Fair play to your friend @Mac as it’s no easy course,plenty hills with a very welcome downhill sprint for the last 1k. Happy with the time considering but there is more in there to be eeked out. The golden 40 is coming into sight I hope.


Great stuff, well done.

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Did a 5mile run that was 50% wood and 50% road in 33:37.

Unusual race in that it was a time trial so the goal was to finish on 0:00, I was ahead of schedule which I was happy about.

Some lads are deadly at pacing themselves, the 3 i used as pace sitters were within 20 seconds of their projected time.



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Raheny 5 entries still open.

Race is on next Sunday at 3pm.

It would be a pleasure to welcome forum members to Dublin 5 for the race.


Any advice for parking over that direction? Almost 4,400 entries is some going for a club race.

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That’s mad. Didn’t realise there were that many entries, the start could be Valencia 10km style carnage. They must have capped numbers last year, as it sold out in early/mid January and there definitely wasn’t anywhere near as many entries. Probably because there was still some covid floating about then.

As for parking, I think Vernon Rise is always a solid shout. Not right beside the start but not terribly far away either. Marked in red to the left below. You could jog in the side gates of St Anne’s from Sybil Hill Road, down the main avenue for a bit before a left turn and work you way out the far side gates to the start (red to the right). No more than 1.5km and could be part of your warm up. The race info mentions St Anne’s tennis club car park as an option and that’s quite big and near the start.

Otherwise, I think people just pick other housing estates off the Howth Road anywhere after Killester and before Raheny itself and see if they can find a spot to dump the car. I’m c.2.3km from the start and you can park by my place if you like either!

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Cheers for that. Will try get over early enough and avoid the traffic so hopefully will get parking in one of those spots. I think getting out afterwards was the biggest issue last year.

Presumably the DART is a sensible option if the place is going to be bunged with traffic?

Yeah, the dart would be spot on. Plenty of bus options coming out that way too.

I’ve added to my map. I think people parking inside the purple section near the start are likely to be held up as it can become a bottleneck and the Howth Road gets backed up. But if you parked over and down a bit, like my Vernon Rise suggestion, you could have a quick getaway down along my purple line towards the Clontarf Road and come back into Fairview and beyond from that direction.

Obviously I only advocate cars as a last resort and only on a car sharing/pooling basis too.

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I was at the Raheny 5 yesterday as a spectator due to ongoing injury issues.

Cracking event - some crowd there and a great buzz at the finish. Kudos to the club @Bandage

The missus ran in my number and did a time of about 37 mins. I’ll need to up my effort when I’m recovered to stay one step ahead of her :laughing: