The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

2 under 3 years of age. Thats part of the deal am afraid. Keep the head down, find a way to let off steam every now and then, and you’ll come out the other side in time.

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Have you checked them out for dietary intolerances? Could be something they’re eating (or not eating) that’s causing their immune system to crash?

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No. But it’s all part of the game. You just have to get on with it. There are far worse things. Sleep is over rated anyway.


goats milk cures everything a wise man once said


If you must drink the milk of another mammal, apparently goat’s milk bears the closest resemblance to human milk.

No, that’s fennel tea pal.


fennel tea cures everything a wise man once said


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Wise men are a fickle bunch.

I’ve just come down from upstairs having had a fight with a four year old over the steam. It finished with her having a fit resulting in some of the hot water spilling on her.

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Both of ours sick for the entirity of my living memory ( about 1 month).
He got foot and mouth which knocked the shit out of his immune system and since then he’s had a vomiting bug, some sort of psoriasis shit and a viral diarrhoea. His hole is rawer than a sushi restaurant.
She got off lightly with just the vomitting, a small amount of the shits but she is now wheezing like mutley in whacky races. The weather changes definitely play havoc with her chest.


Good man KP. I advise chopping a load of ginger and boiling the arse off it for half an hour. It’ll cure anything or in your case turn you into actual kevlar.

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There are a few coughing and spluttering very badly in the creche these mornings. If right was right they should be put down to stop the spread of it


I’m up for that pal. Would you end up eating or drinking the ginger?

You’ll end up chomping on the bits alright. But it strengthens you to know you can chew with ease what others wouldn’t dare go near.


They could be liquidised and fed to the healthy kids, matrix style.

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@Juhniallio and @KinvarasPassion

This is a home-made cough medicine / anti-viral potion. A guy at work swears by it, and to be fair I’ve used it too with excellent results.

It can also be used as a flea treatment for dogs, to keep cats out of the garden, and to ward off the banshee. A man in Clare once used it keep slugs off his cabbages and slugs are now extinct in that part of Clare.

Use raw garlic instead of powder and use lemon instead of water. Never mind the measurements - go hardcore.


I’ve been making that for years with good results. Good luck getting a kid if any age to drink it though. You can make it hot as well like a hot whisky, it’s great for reducing congestion and opening up the sinuses. During a particularly bad sinusitis phase I omitted all the other ingredients and just snorted the cayenne pepper. Wouldn’t really recommend it :weary:although it takes your mind off the sinus symptoms for a while.
On the kid issue, once they are in contact with other kids it’s impossible to keep them from getting sick regularly. Broadly speaking it’s good for them as it builds up their immune systems, in theory anyway the more viruses they fight off at that age the better. The danger is congestion turning into a bacterial infection, especially sinuses.

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True - Mrs. Moth won’t touch it, let alone the kids.

@Ambrose_McNulty - watch out for environmental issues, and more specifically dampness and mould in the home. Definitely weaken the immune system. Leave extractor fan on for an hour after cooking, same in bathroom after showers. Get heat on in the morning and then open windows wide to take the moisture out of the house.


Whilst I can understand the near-insane levels you reach when you’ve sinusitis (ever looked at the drill and thought “hmmm…”?), this is the most gangster shit I’ve heard in a long time. Are you Johnny Knoxville?