The Official TFK Ireland 1912-1923 Thread

From what I gleamed it’s there or castleisland

He held a few ministerial posts in Cosgraves governments, but it isn’t Bray, Charleville or Castleusland

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It’s in Kerry so?


[Uploading: IMG_20190202_090205.jpg…]

Tried to upload that no joy

@Fagan_ODowd the 98th anniversary of what i believe to have been the IRA worst defeat during the war!/247261561968592/photos/a.1267686529926085/2525450827482976/

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Pure Cark

I’ve been reading up on various ambushes recently and for some reason I’d never heard of the Headford train station ambush. Sounds like a serious battle, and was very close to being a perfect trap by the IRA.

The Clonmult reversal was brutal but you’d seriously have to question why the column were billeted in the same house for a month. Left themselves as sitting ducks.

You’d think the Limerick boys would have got this…

I forgot about that, no answer yet?

The first got too cocky

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I’n after forgetting

Thats bruff

The old Garda barracks there on the right and Matt Rea’s pub above it. (Not Rea’s now of course).

@anon61878697 was there widespread vote rigging in the 1918 election ?

Only in North East Ulster - there were a few complaints that there was intimidation at some ballot boxes alright … the worst of it carried out by the so called constitutional (Redmond) Party below in Waterford … where they black-guarded the shinners.

I was reading a Witness Statement from a member of the Leitrim volunteers and he freely mentions they engaged in “personation”

He was looking for a bigger pension … you cant believe a word of those files … half the country were on active duty apparently.