I personally dont care one way or the other if they commemorate the RIC ---- Just like I didnt care one way or the other about Soloheadbeg — I think a lot of these things are a load of bollix that people will use to reinforce their own world view — when that’s the last thing we need. The government would have been better off going away and letting academics, through funding, present a very balanced view through TV/RADIO/Paper on all these issues - to educate and inform… typical of our political elite really, half arsed measures that they think they can railroad through.
Agree ref tax etc,but on this occasion people power stopped them in their tracks doesent happen too often but it’s a serious wake up call to Leo the Langer and company
It’s possible to think police acted abominably during the Lockout and that British rule in Ireland was a bad thing and still think that killing people merely because they were in the RIC was also a bad thing
It would be like saying that because the Battle of Orgreave happened, that all South Yorkshire police were fair game to be murdered
What did for the miners’ strike in terms of public support was when a taxi driver who was driving a scab to work, was killed when a concrete block came through his windscreen