The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

The most interesting thing is how poor McDonald’s approval rating is. She is badly trailing a Minister from the bust days and Simon Harris.

I think she is somewhat a victim that a large portion of non Shinners really really hate them. That’s the one KPI it comes out in.

A not inconsiderable problem for Mary Lou McDonald is that Michelle O’Neill has considerably outshone her.


This is very funny

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Racist mocks low level volunteers?

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I think the lads are racist too :smiley:. Ah I just watched it again there the frozen face on the lad in the pink shirt. Is that a Waterford accent on your man?

Both Boylans on the Dublin ticket will be elected

His pro saville stance a vote winner?

Where will Niall Boylan get his transfers from?

The Soc Dems and Labour will have to look long and hard in the mirror if they can’t win a seat in Dublin between them.

It will be a real shame if Cuffe doesn’t get back in although he will be a strong candidate in a General.


I’ve no idea, I just know he’ll be elected.


Simon Harris down on Porto beach there about 15mins ago. He had a garda escort. The labour contingent didnt require one.

He’s the fucking Taoiseach

You mean 25% of what vote they’ll get surely ?

A Labour head not appreciating the need for security around a Government leader is pretty funny.


To be fair to @Juhniallio its a long long time since anyone were Labour were relevant enough to raise enough emotion that they might need a security detail. Harmless enough these days.

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FG support Climate change

Anyone here ever been a “tallyman”?
I’d say an interesting few hours

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