The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

The ballot paper for Ireland South is the largest I’ve ever seen and includes an even greater collection of fuckwits than my more manageable ballot paper for Cappamore/Kilmallock.

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They had a 25% turnout by 4.30 in my local polling booth, should be fairly high by now.

Just did my civic duty there.

Gave the proven Sean Kelly the number 1 in Europe. I have fond memories of the time he was campaigning in Tipp Town the same day as the hugely prestigious Abbey CBS Sportsday and he called in for a look only to told to ‘fuck off’ by an irate Mr Kiely who said that he had no business being there.

Disappointed not to see Diarmuid O’Flynn on the ballot paper this time .


I was actually contemplating just leaving it at 1. Shower of useless cunts

Mr Kiely sounds like a wise teacher. Glad he inspired you in your educational efforts.


Fucking hell :joy:

Judging by the 97 years ago remark, I think that was from 10/11 years ago (although Markiewicz did die 97 years ago :grimacing:)

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No exit polls planned.

Think Red C are doing an online one but can’t imagine it will be worth much.

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I caught a snippet of the radio and high 20s seems to be the turnout up to 7pm… A sprinkle of places breaking 30%. That post work rush hasn’t materialized yet

Just back from exercising my democratic duty, the ballot for the Euro was massive 27 in total, Barrett at the top Waters at the bottom, needless to say neither got a numero


Some shower of headbangers in our Euro constituency


I’d expect Limerick to be higher due to the Mayoral vote

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Tániste Martin here at the polling station in leafy Douglas. He’s upbeat he tells me.

Have RTÉ used the word brisk yet?

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It’s jammers here in leafy RoCo. Serious after work rush.

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Over 40% in my ward…
Slim pickings on both the local and European election ballot ……i almost left them empty

Very uninspiring.

I gave the SF wan the wan for local here in south central Cark, as i know her and i gave the Green chap no.2.

I gave Michael McNamara 1 for Europe and left the rest blank.

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My station seemed very busy during the renowned tea time rush. You could even say it was brisk.

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