The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024


I was going to give him a high enough preference but the fuckin page was so long I forgot him. It was some list of wasters.


Mick was last on a very long list in Clare. It will cost him a few votes. I almost missed him.

I went all the way down to No 8 but still didn’t give that Eddie Punch lad one just because he’s from Clare

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Ye keep rising the river and he might end up there.

No i disagree we should sent clare and tippos to the EU. They will aee what we are dealing with and provide funding to rebuild a bigger and better walls of Limerick to keep them out

great wall flame GIF by South Park

Initial indications from Dublin City council boxes is that both Boylans - Lynn Boylan from Sinn FĂ©in and Niall Boylan from Independent Ireland - are polling well

In the south city Sinn FĂ©in’s DaithĂ­ Doolan is getting lots of first preferences but many of those papers are not transferring to his running mate Lynn Boylan.

Very few ballots are ranking all the way to 23. Many voting between for between three and seven candidates and then stopping

The 2 Boylans polling well in Dublin so far according to RTE/Sarah Mc

Boylan has a real creepiness about him.

I assume we won’t have results for a nice while on the Europeans? Council and mayor should be done today though yeah?

Council voting starting this evening. European election count starts on Monday, in the South at least. Mayor count can’t start until council count is complete so wont be until Monday.

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John Moran holding steady at 25%
Helen O Donnell at 17%

Barry Cowan getting transfers from everyone. Maria Walsh not doing well is what RTÉ just said

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@Juhniallio @Rocko

Haughey to replace Guerin or Healy?

Who does better on transfers?

Surely Healy is much much better on transfers?


Spain votes tomorrow and will have results tomorrow night. How come Ireland waits until Monday ?

Great job by the “Ireland is shit” heads putting their faith in SF IRA. :laughing:

Guerin and Lavin struggling there. Id imagine Healy gets transfers. O Brien will be disgusted haughey is so far ahead of him.


SF are barely getting 20% in Tallaght. They had a disaster in 2019 and they got 38% in tallaght.