The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Healy isn’t guaranteed but think he’ll be safer than Guerin on transfers.

I think we have @RaymondCrotty to blame for Haughey’s emergence.

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Mary Lou has been a disaster,she will have to go.FF can have her back.


Lapsed poster @thomasbrady had her sussed years ago



Was this after he put out the chairs for her?


@Juhniallio @Rocko

Whatsvthe expected quota for howth malahide

Whatever about chairs she’s cost them seats.


Gilmore must be buzzing that Gilmore for Taoiseach won’t be the punchline anymore.


Looks like a lot of mutters were aligned to Sinn Fein and in setting up their own crack pot parties they’ve just strengthen fiana fail and Fianna Gael.

Stillorgan is Fine Gael country. Pick me up some olives and feta cheese, Mum.

Vetern tally man Joe Kemmy is calling the Mayoral election for Moran.

I’d say the odds on an autumn election are after shortening a lot. SF doing nothing and a give away budget with an election at Halloween? SF strategists should be getting their P45s on Monday. Handed an open goal but failed to read immigration so they’d better get real comfortable in the opposition benches

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@dodgy_keeper I’d say ROD II doesn’t have the same support as the brother?

They’ll do alright in the General but they should be sowing it into FFG but aren’t.She will have to go.

Nah, he’d be a good bit different to ROD personality wise. Nice lad and all but the feeling around was/is he could be under pressure to get back in.

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2,590 if that was a full ballot count earlier.

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Much of the support Sinn Fein will attract in a General Election doesn’t vote in European and Local elections.

Sinn Fein’s (and the fascist headbangers’) target market in the General Election is the political equivalent of the bandwagon GAA fan. European and Local Elections are like the National League games the bandwagoners don’t attend.

General Elections are like All-Ireland finals and these people are suddenly extremely vocal about why they should be getting a ticket.

People say the European and Local elections are liable to attract a protest vote but that’s probably more than counteracted by the make up of the voters. The “it’s my civic duty to vote” people make up the majority of the European election voters. These people tend not to be protest voters.

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FAO West Tippistas.

Some going from Heney.