The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Murphy? No 1!

Whats your dads name?


Whats his first name.


Suzie O’Deniyi is running for Fianna Fáil
She’s like a film star in her poster, I’m intrigued by the O’

We’d to spend Saturday in Drogheda as Mrs Cauli had to put down a day in the hospital there. The little wan noticed that there were different people on the posters to Dundalk. “Why? And why do some of them have the number 1 on them?”. This has led to multiple discussions with her over recent days about elections. She’s nosey as fuck (didn’t lick it off the ground I suppose)


Haughey is a dick
donnellan is the worst - is she canvassing much outside of Malahide?

She is. She arranged a clinic in our estate…

a clinic?

if you hate new st vote for me? what else has she to offer? she is anti active travel too & there is a big push up there for connectivity

I dont know mate. I didnt attend. I’m doing my best to oppose her on the ground. EoB has half of malahide sewn up anyway so id say shell struggle. Although i heard he had a bit of an issue there in an estate your way perhaps @Fat_Pox ? An access issue O Brien backed for one estate that would have fucked access for another?

im not sure

he is connecting waterside to the schools so that will win votes

there is an access issue to the rugby club that direct residents are against but most people in the whole estate wouldnt want kids being forced onto the estuary road so cant see him losing votes there. is that it?

No. Access to the new estates of kinsealy lane

Would you believe I just had her possey at my door. Pleasant enough. Their main point was the implemention of more bus routes around the place. When asked did I want anything I said the rollout of more cycle lanes, speed bumps on roads and pedestrians crossings.

They said there are now 72k in the electoral area. Also said that there are 10 candidates running for the 7 seats.

It was the residents association in our estate that got access changed for a new development. Access for construction would have been directly through the estate. Now it is from adjoining farmland. I wasn’t aware O Brien was instrumental in it. He’ll still get my no10 after trying to engage me in some Leinster/Munster rugby banter on the doorstep last time out.


In spite of his rogby bantz?

I’m raging, Elisa was at the door a while ago but I was out collecting one of the girls,
Anyway she took our list, mostly niche public basketball court stuff with a bit of cycle lane mystery thrown in, we’re fond of Elisa :+1:


No 10 not No1

She is the anti cycling candidate

Her main suppprter is trying to block a safe area outside a school as he would need to find somewhere else to park his van

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Is this an instruction or a request for a vote?


I think our wires may be crossed. I think the local estate were not happy with EOB over it.

Enjoyable exchange. Killian got schooled.

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The things should be banned.


Lord, I’d love to mount Batten