The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

The local Murphy candidate called to my door. “Would you have much interest in the politics” he asked. “Not really” says I. He just shrugged his shoulders and moved on. Not even sure if he left a leaflet. Only copped his name when the posters went up.

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Already on record regarding this matter. The finest women in the country bar none.

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Spotted Derrick Blighe out on the hustings outside Fermoy yesterday. He was driving a 06 Peugeot Partber emblazoned with his name, suggesting money is no barrier in his campaign


Saw Ciaran Cuffe there going into Il Valentino. He was wearing a bright green jacket.

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He gets great wear out of that.


You’d think he’d be trying to keep the head down after his gaffe last night.

This lad is running in @TheUlteriorMotive neck of the woods.

Something tells me he wouldn’t be good in a crisis


You out in Fernhill?

Close enough. Madame does tennis in rosemount

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Depressing on my way out of town to see posters of the same useless cunts who have achieved nothing in 25 years of local politics putting themselves forward again. The likes of Deirdre Heney, Naoise Ó Muirí and Terence Flanagan in particular.


I know TFK has matured & we no longer have threads dedicated to politicians’ looks when posters go up. But it struck me that Heney is using posters from around 10-15 years ago when she was…eh 10-15 years younger. I don’t know if this is efficient use of scarce resources or some strategy.

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I was thinking of a ‘guess the party thread’ . Put up an image of a candidate in your constituency and see can others guess their political allegiance.

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Tracy will break her neck for you.
She might also break your neck if you’re an immigrant. She also talks about a lack of doctors around the place. If Tracy visited a hospital lately, she might realise that a huge amount of the medical staff in Ireland are immigrants


I’d suspect the photo is older than that, pal.

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That photo goes back to just after she finished her devilling, around 2007 or 08


This lad just printed his shit on an A4 sheet of paper and mashed it in my letterbox

Not going to lie, I like his no nonsense approach