The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Daly throwing the toys out of the pram, what a clown,

Boylan is a bully, he’ll embarrass himself in Brussels or Leinster house

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Ah she’s seething, that’s fucking lovely!!!


He went up to Cavan and set up a truck before the Dublin fixture in the bogball too and had the craic with all the salt of the earth travelling dubs.

As long as your ballot was included in the sample ones they picked to work out the transfers. I only discovered yesterday that that’s how it’s done, I had thought they go through the preferences on every ballot but apparently they don’t.

That’s just for a surplus which is to be representative.

For a full transfer they move them all I believe.



Cuffe is gone lads


Surely GavAn Reilly is talking a pile of shite on X/twitter that N Boylan’s name being close to Cuffe on the ballot paper might prove crucial.

I think Green voters (& TFK provides a fine representative sample) are far more discerning than that. They’re not the type to give Boylan a preference ahead of a progressive candidate just because his name is close.

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Aodhan is well liked by Greens

On the Dublin debate, apart from Cuffe he was the best in climate change and he challenged Reginas anti cycling bile

Yeah that was a nonsensical post from Gav.

Whats in it in terms of votes

Haven’t heard yet.

Gav now saying AOR might have done better than Boylan out of Daly’s transfers, which would put him a great position ahead of Cuffe’s transfers being dished out.

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That’s consistent with my sophisticated modelling


A lot of people regard me as a hapless non-entity, & probably fairly so, but if Aodhán pulls this off, it will have panned out exactly as I speculatively predicted after the first count was announced. Boylan extending his lead in the early counts, as the lesser well known headbangers/divisive/fash cunts are eliminated but AOR staying within reach, benefitting from Gibney & other more progressive folk being eliminated, closing the gap & then nipping ahead of Cuffe before getting elected via Cuffe’s transfers.

I don’t want to get ahead of myself but Boylan holding the seat practically all through & then losing it to a wokester in the final count would be absolutely fantastic & comical.


As happy as I am for Aodhán I wasn’t happy with @Juhniallio’s tone earlier today when slamming anyone who dared to suggest Daly might transfer more left than right.

It soured the process a little for me but hopefully the imminent apology will clarify matters and @binkybarnes can perhaps find it in his heart to forgive him.




Offering you a preferential rate for his next night-swimming masterclass would be a lovely bridge building exercise.

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O Riordan got few 100 more votes than N Boylan from Dalys transfers. Down to Cuffe now.