The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Here we go, result in Dublin is minutes away according to Samantha on RTE.

Not necessarily a formal merger but Iā€™d welcome some kind of voting pact/alliance well in advance of the next election. We have some terrific SocDem & Labour reps in Dublin & could even allow the Greens & sound independents in under this umbrella. A progressive left unit opposing FFG based on policy rather than populism could be a force. SF/IRA can take their rightful place in a third cohort with the far left & far right headbanger parties & independents.


Is this live on RTE by any chance?

You know the country is fcuked when tfk is supporting such a bland odious drip like AmadƔn.
Iā€™d literally vote for Netanyahu or Putin ahead of him, at least they are men!

The weather forecast is on now. Maybe Prime Time will cover it when it starts shortly.

Ah shove it up your hole




This is the lad who asked out loud if his new born daughter was a second class citizen ffs as she was a girlā€¦ vote away !!

Did Netanyahu or Putin teach in Sheriff Street?


All 3 of them were bullied in school apparently!
Only one mentions it still

Iā€™ve never heard Boylanā€™s nor the Two Johnnieā€™s radio shows. Is Boylan like a 2020s Chris Barry ?

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Miriam just said on Prime Time that theyā€™ll cover any result if it comes in while they are on air.

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Donā€™t worry, pal. Niall Boylan will be back on the radio soon.


Triple jump ?

Think James Whale back in day.

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I sort of thought he was the guy who masturbated on a plane but apparently not him. Which radio presenter was that ?

Iā€™m sure he will, doesnā€™t deflect from the fact AOR is a waste of space. I never mentioned other fella

Some Carkie on local radio

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Neil Prendeville and he blamed it on taking a Nurofen.

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RTƉ News Now has it live now. #517.

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