The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

The fella said he works at Limerick Post. Probably got one of the graphic designers in there to whip that up.

I know him a bit but havenā€™t met him in a good while. Donā€™t even know what party (or none) heā€™s standing for. A sound bloke.

The Limerick Post are robbing bastardā€™s.I know a lad who paid for one of them small ad squares on the front of paper.Anyways yer man thought the ad was dear enough for a year as it was only going to be put on once every 4 weeks.But he went with it anyways.3 weeks later they rang back looking for another payment,the post said it was the same payment every month not a once off one.My man fucked him off and hung up.

Has a look of Simon Day off of the Fast Show about him.

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I thought Brendan Rodgers, or Alec Gilroy from Corrie


Debate on Virgin Media One now with 5 of the candidates for MEP in Ireland South.

Cynthia Ni Mhurchu has not aged well.

Green Grace Oā€™Sullivan wailing like a banshee, sparring with this Kathleen Funchion lass who is apparently a TD but Iā€™ve never seen her before.

Poor auld Mick Wallace nearly the most sane of them.

The grammar is awful.

However, ā€œReign them inā€ is an absolute beaut.

I have met him a couple of times through work stuff. I concur.

Im no Shinner but i have a lot of respect for Kathleen Funchion. She was opposed to the information and tracing bill which roderick brought in but engaged constructively all the way and chaired a committee on it brilliantly. Iā€™d give her my vote or certainly a high transfer

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I think sheā€™s brave. She canvassed tirelessly to Repeal the Eighth even after most of her team left her because they opposed her stance. She had to rebuild her team to contest the general election subsequently.
She was the only TD in Carlow- Kilkenny campaigning for repeal.


Thatā€™s very interesting.
Most of an SF TDā€™s team did not support repealing the abortion amendment.

How come Mairia Cahill only ever seems to appear in the media around election times?

Due an interview with Austin Stack too.


Saw a poster for this fella ā€œJamie McGlueā€ on the way home with the caption ā€œLets stick togetherā€.

Thought it was a pisstake but it turns out he is actually running and has a longstanding podcast.

FF presser turns into a bickering session.

Cynthia is some cunt.

She is that

A Blaney fucking over FF in public. Hardly a surprise :laughing: FF are the fools for expecting something different

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Middle aged men with paved driveways arent green voters

Martin must have a right horn for that one.

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