The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

She’s a dose & a complete moron too.


Get the fuck in there Aodhàn! I’d like to publicly apologise to @binkybarnes for misjudging where the pbp votes might go. @Rocko the non swimmer spreadsheet nerd can go and shite with his johnny come lately calls. Some lads had our balls on the line with Aodhàn early and will be handsomely rewarded for it.


That’s alright pal. I’m happy for Aodhan and absolutely thrilled for that cunt Niall Boylan.


an uncouth version

he was speaking on Saturday of being the 3rd person elected

to get his hopes up and lose is brilliant



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The Bacik Bounce :ronnyroar:

Is that like a Dirty Sanchez?

Would the two Fine Gaelers Carberry and Walsh both be seen as safe in Ireland West?

They have a good advantage but they don’t look to have many sources of transfers.

Carberry is on 75k and Walsh on 72k. Mullooly is on 59k with Gildernew on 47k, Chambers on 44k and Toibin on 42k.

SF and FF both have sweeper candidates who should add on a lot of transfers for Gildernew and Chambers respectively.

I think there are enough headbanger candidates who will transfer well enough to Mullooly for him to get over the line.

If Lisa Chambers (FF) gets eliminated before Gildernew she might see her fellow Mayo woman Walsh (FG) over the line.

Congrats to the IFSC Irish Citizens Army Brigade

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The Carberry vote mystifies me. There wasn’t any sight or sign of her in the campaign trail. I would have her as a certainty as she will transfer on name recognition alone.

I haven’t been following the progression of the two other constituencies after the first counts.

How are things looking for Ming?

Horsey involvement plays well with deepest roooral Ireland.

By god then your a hardy buck

Ah FFS sake art


He’s safe as a house. Leading the poll.

Whether Mick Wallace gets in in Ireland South will be fascinating. Cynthia NĂ­ MhurchĂș’s name recognition hasn’t done her any harm @Keadyshouldhaveplayedin89.


She was the first election poster I saw up here. Before any of the locals had one up. I’d say big money was put behind that campaign.

It looks very predictable Top 5 as it currently stands are shoe ins in my opinion

Up yer bollix you absolute UUCOAM Niall Boylan.