The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

They surely call the election for October before the winter sets in and to try and squeeze the last out of the Harris bounce before it dries up.

Not a hope of it dragging til March due ti the paddy’s day junkets taking precedent.

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A fraud

Sports Capital Grants due around September/October, chalk it down.


She’ll arrive late into the straight on the bridle


Kev gets 1400 likes

John Waters got around 16k votes - wtf :smiley:
He’s had a big bust up with the other wan also as per second link below … The first one is just bat shit

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I think he stole that Nina Carberry line from someone on tfk


But he doesnt post here anymore :eek:

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Nina whipped a 3 year old handicap around a field and gets elected :person_shrugging:t2:


Sarah is a dose.

RTE need to hire Claire Brock from TV3 and retire Miriam & send Sarah off to work with Daithi or anywhere else….

She’s an incredible woman.

Also the increase in excise duty is due to come in early October as well. If that gets pushed back then it’s as clear as day that we’ll have a late October election. The summer economic statement in early July will give a clue if this is a possibility or not.

@MountLeinster’s boy getting all woke

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Why won’t Cuffe run in a general again @Rocko?

How’s that final spot in Ireland South looking? I’m hoping Cynthia edges out Mick Wallace and Kathleen Funchion.

@Thornhill @peddlerscross - was it middleton that was flooded last year, any reason why they voted for parties not worried about Climate Change?

& so it begins

How would I know? :grinning:

arent you a muldoon?