The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024


It’s great that you can get elected without being able to string a sentence together. :roll_eyes:

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Ossie having a strop on the news now.

Regina has fried the lettuce heads

Only 8 county councillors outside of Dublin left in the whole country for The Greens.

Lost half their county councillors nationally.

Cuffe turfed out (pun intended).

Grace O’Sullivan looks gone.

Pathetic showing by a current TD in the mayoral race in Limerick.

The Green agenda has been roundly rejected. Only two more carbon tax increases for the electorate to endure before they are annihilated at the next general election.


The Greens are destined to yo-yo in perpetuity, it goes with the territory. :man_shrugging:

Nothing to worry about


Because they know that if it happens again they’ll get a handout like they did before.

They sure love their awkward squad headbangers down in Cork

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Ireland South count still ongoing.
Lorna Bogue transfers 780 votes ( almost 10% of her vote) to Derek Blighe who I presume she had in mind when referring to as a Nazi the other day. Meanwhile Grace O Sullivan got 900 from Bogues elimination. Was Bogue not with the Greens before. The transfers around the country have been a real head scratcher.

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Leddin roundly trashed as well.

I’d say plenty young farmers and their families delighted to see that prick Cuffe gone. Be great if some of them wrote to the banks now and returned the compliment to the tool.

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Just hasn’t been his intention is my understanding. He was very committed to the European stuff and working over there. I think Dublin Mayor would be very much in his wheelhouse.

However, I can see a slot opening up soon on the southside (:eyes:).

Or maybe if @Bandage was agreeable we could get him into Dublin Bay North where there is a chasm and no real candidate

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I still can’t believe that Blighe got 25,000 first preferences. Based on that if he ran for the Dail he would sail in.

Where is he from? There was a Blighe fella running for LEA in Fermoy. Is that the same fella or a relation?

I don’t know.

His Dad was also a politician but was left leaning and seemed an alright sort.

Are you sure of your numbers??

He couldn’t get elected to a six seater on the Fermoy council so it’s hard to see him step into the big leagues with a bang

According to RTE he had 25071 on the first count

Same fella, living in and around Mitchelstown

Not a hope Blighe will get a Dail seat if he runs. Out of a million potential voters he got 25,000 - people spend too much time on Twitter and completely over egg the following some of these clowns have.



all headbangers here , you can see why they like blighe

Where did I say I liked Blighe?
I only heard about him a few days ago.

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Why did you vote for Regina Doherty?