The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Serms I’ve triggered you. You should look into that.

I did as well. There was a real earthiness about her campaign. She turned up to Thurles for the Tipp v Cork game. Will she get in on Grace O’ Sullivan’s votes?

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Looks whose talking. Chief bicycle sniffer… At least i know I’m acting the gowl, you were just born that way… in the 12.37 years youre here i don’t think you’ve once posted an original idea. Even in jest. :person_shrugging:t2:

Cynthia is terrific. She wouldn’t have had it easy growing up. The father was knocked down and killed in a hit and run on his way home from work when she was in her teens. Think he was a CIE worker. The mother was widowed with a big clatter of them. There was no silver spoon there.


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Is that Ken early to the left

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Brilliant, they should have practised the hoisting, on the off chance he got elected. Its like something from Monty Python

Looks like Grace concurs

It must be a west of Ireland thing, this one was spotted in Connemara (Carna).

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CiarĂĄn Mullooly going to win a seat ahead of Sinn FĂŠin/IRA.

Cynthia has worked as a Barrister for the past 25 years or so. Lot of professional experience that can be utilised there when it comes to legislation and EU directives and regulations and the like.

Should be nearly all gone now. Might be a couple of strays but about 130 down today.

What’s the significance of that?

Fuck sake :smiley:

And so Wallace is out.

Stay gone.


Wallace is gonnnne. Well done Cynthia. Well done silent majority of decent conservative country people.


Well done the voters of the south