The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Barry Andrews, the cunt, had posters up outside Tottenham Hale station.

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Ming having a Tour De France here on Virgin Media 1

Maybe his cousin took time out from his hit radio show on Virgin to run up a few ladders and throw them up?

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At this stage its easier to liat which blueshirts arent corrupt

The party of law and order


SF/IRA support plummeting. Si Harris getting a bounce for FG. Independents/Others now leading the way, but no split between awkward squad & normal people.

SF have absolutely fucked it. If they had not agreed with the government on almost everything in the last four and a half years they’d be romping ahead.

Danny Healy Rae will be the kingmaker in the next Dail.

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Isnt the issue not that they agreed with everything that they keep switching positions based on the current mood

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I suppose they’d gotten away with it for the previous 5 years.

Much like the Irish rugby team in World Cup cycles, SF peaked at wrong time.


SF have lost their (recently)traditional headbanger voters, which you’d have to admire them for, but it was completely unsustainable to keep their core support happy,
I suspect most votes the headbanger candidates pick up will be at Sinn Féin’s expense

Traditional SF voters who beleived in their left wing values also unimpressed


The way they pivoted on immigration in the space of around 2-3 weeks recently after a couple of poor back-to-back polls would also have pissed off a lot of the young vote they were mopping up. A lot of those folk are progressive/wokesters & I don’t think they’d have been too impressed by SF. Instead of challenging the anti-immigrant headbangers (who’ve branded SF traitors), SF tried to pander to the far right & they’ve now lost support on all sides.


Are there any significant numbers of non awkward indos? Surely that means we are lurching heavily to the right

It’s a tricky one to figure out, especially for the local elections when the runners & riders are generally less well known.

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We need an app like Shazam to recognise changes in mood music

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There would be a good few alright

In malahide, swords and clontarf 3 of the current Councillors wouldnt be right wing. Id guess its what the percentage change of new councillors is would be an indication

Like if pepper got in it would be a horrible indication of where we are