The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Iā€™m not sure there are as many headbanger candidates as Iā€™d have expected. In Howth-Malahide that McGlue chap is one anyway. Heā€™s a ā€œtruth seekerā€ type. But I thought thereā€™d be more prominence to the far right in this campaign and I havenā€™t seen much of it, albeit itā€™s hard to tell in low profile election campaigns.

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Id be surprised if he got more than 200 votes

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Cynthia Ni Murchu is plastered all over our locality the last few weeks. Iā€™ve no clue who she is but I assumed she was a SF candidate due to the shade of green on the posters. Only in the last few days have a few posters of her with Mickey Martin started popping up that I realised she was FF. It almost feels a deliberate ploy to hide the mention of FF on the posters as much as possible

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She used to be on the telly. She might have presented a Eurovision.


Oh jaysus, with Gerry Ryan? That sounds familiar

She nearly knocked me off the footpath outside the TUSGG diving in recklessly for a handshake.

A real ā€œin her dayā€ candidate

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After the Dublin riots I made the point that Sinn Fein were going to have a reckoning between their new, younger progressive sort of voter and the anti-immigrant headbangers, that they couldnā€™t keep their coalition together, they had to choose.

The choice was obvious. The headbangers were going to desert them anyway because of the power of social media. Once the brain rot starts, it doesnā€™t get stopped. Yet they chose unwisely. SF were intimidated by the personal abuse from headbangers their main people were facing on the streets, and they cowed to it. They tried to keep the brain rot brigade on board.

Bad move. Very bad move, not just from a values point of view, but from an electoral one.


SF have more flip flops than an RTE boat party.

The emperor has no clothes. Joe punlic sees that SF will be a really shite version of ffg

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What did they do to give in to the bangers of the head?

This morningā€™s Sindo poll has Niall Boylan on 9% in Dublin & Blighe on 4% in Ireland South. Boylan was 4th on the list & would likely lose out on transfers but 9% is very high.

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Ah Boylan is a different animal to blighe surely. ā€˜just asking questionsā€™ is an acceptable political point of view surely even if people disagree with it. If we canā€™t have that cohort of society represented we are in trouble. Blighe and Pepper and them are out and out racists and need to be soundly trounced or we are also fucked.

Boylan reckoned Jimmy Saville was a victim of a witch hunt. Heā€™s a poisonous cunt and as bad as any if them


The collapse of SF IRA vote suggests the anti immigrant lads are really far left.

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And a climate change denier, because heā€™s done his own research.

The man has nothing positive to contribute on any issue.


Sinn Fein never score well in Sunday
Independent Opinion polls. Canā€™t think why.

They were on 35 per cent not too long ago in September 2023 Sunday Indo poll.


Maybe far left and far right are 2 cheeks of the same arse