The Official TFK NCT Thread

It’s a naked money racket at this stage. Any pretense about it being about safety is gone


Anthony Stokes disagrees.



Oh no. So he bought that ball of shit a few months ago without an NCT :smile:


An old image.

TBF the mistake he made was the gear bag was full of cocaine

Maybe not a Crokes wan.

They’d baton you.

Ah ffs sake. Nothing worse than a poster making the joke you just made cos he didnt get it.

He likes drugs

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Phew!!! A crucial few months ahead for the Buff.

Shortage of capacity more than anything else.

It’s a shite test that you can game. Mechanics will tell you to send a car into the test to see what fails and then only fix that. This clogs it up more than anything else.

The CVRT is much harder to pass in comparison and keeps balls of shite off the road


4 women on TV3 discussing the NCT issues

I never get the car done before the NCT. See what they find and fix it. Once they find something they don’t bother their fuck finding something else. I’ve been waiting for them to call time on my piece of shit for years and it keeps passing with minimal fixes. The cunting thing was barely driving the last time I brought it in, but they only found a fault with the lights alignment.
Fucking car keeps stringing me along with small jobs for a €100, its worth nothing so no point selling it. Doing my level best to drive it into the ground.
Price of second hand cars is insane at the minute so i’ll keep it plugging while its willing.

Waiting for eamonn ryan to give me an auld electric car scrappage scheme.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy can you raise it at the next meeting


The auld fellas approach. The last two cars were utter shitboxes, you would be sitting in the passenger seat watching the journey through your hands. Kept sailing through each year though.

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Literally a week before the last one you couldn’t drive the car with the stuttering of the engine. I parked it up and said fuck it I’ll let them find the problem. Barely got the car to the NCT. Passed bar the lights :man_shrugging:
I had the missus ready to collect me. I said they won’t let this thing out of here.

Turned out it was the spark plugs and a cheap fix, but the fucking thing was undrivable and they let me out the door.


mad season 7 GIF

They’ll be a Garda waiting at the end of your drive tomorrow morning now.

Your phone is listening……

Would you believe after that reminded me I went into the station today for the form and sent it off.

What a fucking waste of time btw. He didn’t ask a single question, stamped the form and off I went.

Good craic being in the queue in henry Street though and all the wans in front of you signing in to some book. Presume its parole or something.

What page are you?


Sign there so

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