The Olympics

I was also informed that there is an EPO precursor currently in clinical trials, which isnā€™t tested for, and is almost certainly being used in sport.


Have a run down the road waving your fleg, youā€™ll feel better for it

Iā€™m doing alright mate. I saw Rory blow upā€¦thatā€™s all I needed.

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It always emboldens the smallest of men, fair play to you

Take joy where you can get it.

Itā€™s shattering to hear that Olympic athletes may be taking banned performance enhancing drugs. I honestly donā€™t know what to believe any more.

Them new spikes must only make women run faster. The men barely breaking 10 seconds

Chinese lad ran a PB and new Asian record.

Itā€™s a poor enough standard given the track is also fast

George is having a busy Sunday morning. He was on Lyric FM earlier. Now heā€™s calling the action in Tokyo.


After claiming Haugheys niece from Hong Kong I see weā€™re also now claiming a Puerto Rican 100m hurdler

Tom Barr Lane 6. Hon ta fuck

4th. In the lap of the time Gods now.

He clipped one badly enough, could cost him dearly

He clipped a hurdle hard with 150m to go, did well to stay upright really. Hamilton completely missed it of course

Tom Barr 4th - 48.26. thatā€™s not going to be fast enough to qualify for the final. he needed to go under 48

Got a terrible start too. There are two semi-finals left and third place in each of those has to be outside 48.26. Hard to see him make it.

World record jump coming up ?


A seasons best from Barr. He left it all out there anyway


Clipped the last hurdle on the bend, the couple tenths of a second lost there will likely eliminate him.

He has some finish.