The Olympics

Twitter is a nawful place.

The Irish lads are killing it in the showjumping qualifier. The lads who are not Cian Oā€™Connor.

RTE have missed the live runs of the showjumpers and aidan Walsh medal presentation

And again.
Delayed coverage of Cian Oā€™connor now.
Getting nice and high.
Injecting a bit of pace.
Has passed the test.


Kelly / Kellie Harrington got a fair bit of abuse on here in the past from memory but she fairly battered the Algerian this morning. A lovely heartfelt interview afterwards too showing how much it means to her. Hopefully she gets into the final now


Seriously? Why the fuck would she get slated here? Jaysus. Maybe I shouldnā€™t askā€¦

More for her punditry than anything else I think. And maybe she was beaten by someone she should have easily beaten

Knighton in the 200m. 17 years old. Superstar in waiting.


Sheā€™s a brilliant lady

Gallant run there for Leon Reid.


Itā€™s so so hard at that level.

19.73 in a semi final.

Foarte Grau

Leon was running with a lot on his mind

Items including six encrypted phones, a Glock 19 handgun, a carbine conversion kit, a silencer, an extended magazine, ammunition, eight kilos of cocaine, four kilos of crystal MDMA, 3,000 ecstasy tablets, a hydraulic press, and Ā£434,000 cash have also been seized during the investigation.

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BBC commentator just now I swear said ā€œJust caught sight of a wangā€

Then I noticed the race list ā€¦ chinese athlete called Wang!

From reading another report on his inclusion in the Olympic squad it sounds like he might have been hard done, but I donā€™t know.

Sprinter Leon Reid has been named on the Irish Olympic athletics team despite awaiting trial on criminal charges in the UK.

The 26-year-old, who is based in Bath, was one of 18 men charged at Bristol Crown Court last month in relation to drugs and firearms offences, all of which he denies.

A trial isnā€™t expected to begin until November at the earliest.

After victory over 200m at the national championships last month, he was nominated for selection by Athletics Ireland.

That then had to be ratified by the Olympic Federation of Irelandā€™s selection panel.

The Olympic Federation of Irelandā€™s selection committee initially rejected Reidā€™s selection in line with its policy.

However Reid appealed and the Sports Dispute Solutions Ireland Olympic Tribunal remitted the case to be re-heard, directing that more discretion be shown given the circumstances of Reidā€™s case.

BOX OFFICE womenā€™s 200 metres coming up.

This should be a classic.

Iā€™d love to see the lassie from the Ivory Coast get a medal. Perpetual fourth.

Is this shite over yet?