The Olympics

It seems the heats are basically grouped by how fast a swimmer you normally are with Heat 1 being the slowest group and heat 6 the fastest.

Iā€™d say all things being equal she should be in about fourth or fifth overall coming out of the pool. Then it seems to be a bit of a luck of the draw about which horse you get.

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50km menā€™s walk has just started. 5.30am start. Theyā€™ve just done the first km in 5 mins. Commentators just mentioned this is the last time event this will be included in the Olympics. 2 Irish lads taking part.

Half the lads here would be hard pushed to run a km in 5 mins let alone walk it!

I see Upper Volta won their first ever Olympic medal ther last night.

Ireland go in the final of the Womenā€™s Madison later today. Itā€™s cycling Iā€™m told. 120 laps of the track.

Itā€™s been a while since Burkina Faso was called that. The late president Thomas Sankara changed the name back in 1984 before he was bumped off by his best buddy Blaise CompaorĆ©.

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He might get arrested for indecent exposure

Brendan Boyce near the front of the main chasing pack. He went well in world championships or in Rio before I think.

Theyā€™re through 5km in 19:10. Iā€™d say theres less than 5 forum members who would run that.


Were the 20km and 50km walks on the day after one another? Did Rob the racist not used to do both?

No, always spaced out as far as I remember. Usually the longer one first. Not sure if he did both

I saw ā€œBoycieā€, as myself and a few other Irish supporters gathered at the side of Buckingham Palace hilariously dubbed him, finish somewhere in the middle of the field at this event at London 2012. Wikipedia says 26th out of 63 starters. RTR got awarded a medal later on after the winner was fucked out for doping.

Iā€™d say that must have been 4k.

Youā€™re right actually. Mea culpa.

Boycie was 6th in World Championships.

The French WR holder has already gone into the jacks and appears in all kinds of problems

Only fools and horses walk, as they say.

Con Murphy is on the world feed here on the free to air Seven Network.

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Thereā€™s a 51 year old Spanish walker here at his 8th Olympics. Thatā€™s just plain ridiculous

Yer wan Honghchan has obliterated all comers in the diving.

Sheā€™d put the Galway hurlers to shame

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Iā€™d chance my arm with Nevin Harrison

Heā€™s nearly back with the main group now. Boycie seems to be just about hanging on.

He just stopped again at the drinks station.