The Olympics

The racism and probable doping

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Somehow I missed both those controversies

And walking

Pietro Mennea must be smiling down from Heaven at all of these great Italian sprinters.

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And we’re off with the ladies marathon on RTE2. The pride of Wicklow Fionnuala McCormack starts in her 4th Olympics.

Greg Allen sounds a bit hungover.

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Arthur Lannigan O Keeffe is some dry sounding bastard

I’d hope they are sneaking out by now.

Is he there or in a studio?

It’s lovely to see a Brit criticising a German for not having the mentality needed to win.

He’s there with David Matthews. George is in Dublin.

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This is going to be a sufferfest under these conditions.

They moved it an hour and a half early already. It was 25 degrees at 4.30am there

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They’re doing everything possible to stay in the shade.

I’m exhausted just looking at them

There is an Irish born girl from Mayo representing Australia. She’s 40+ and there 20 years. Only took up running 10 years ago after her first kid. Great story. Hope she goes well.


Its amazing how quick they are going. It does not look quick but they are clipping.

Sinead Diver


Sinead Diver

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be along shortly to ask you if she played any running games as a child


I’m amazed by her

@TreatyStones neighbour tells me it’s rider error and not the horse. He said those people are very poor riders.

@fenwaypark what would your view on wearing a hat be here? Obviously protects from the sun but the commentator on Eurosport last night was explaining how hats can stop the heat getting out through peoples heads and have the reverse impact of what they’re intended for