The Olympics

He looked a beautiful runner on the telly but looked haunted with the weight of the team on his shoulders. He’s supposedly as nice a lad as ever you’d meet.

I think Scullion could run a big one, C’MOÒOOON


He ripped the frog apart in the run

Jaysus that gave me a shiver down my spine as I remembered 1984

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He’s the only one out of the three who has trained in heat.

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Heard from several sources hes a prick. Derval on the other hand is an alright sort

He’s an awful dose

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He didn’t make it up. He got it from other people, some Ericsson lad I think. It has been proven to be an average rather than a definite number but it’s for more skill based rather than athletic based stuff anyway

I know nothing about Diving but that final was just compulsive viewing. Ridiculous stuff from the 2 Chinese lads

I know that but he extrapolated it to all sports from his lofty position as a ping pong player, and then refused to change tack even when it was blindingly obvious he was just wrong. 10000 hours may suffice in ping pong, as most normal people get bored, but it’s never going to turn anyone not genetically blessed into an elite athlete.

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This will be the new model for winning Olympic golds.

No, athletic ability is a different thing altogether. I do think though that some people do underestimate how important practice is by calling it “natural talent” though in skill based stuff like hurling even.

This indoor cycling is a bit of a cod

You’re not accurately representing him in any way, he doesn’t delve into endurance based sports whatsoever with the 10000 hours stuff, and it wasn’t even his research,

The men are having no bother with the horses today in the Modern Pentathlon

Here’s the kicker

They’re the same horses

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Thought it would be a full on right hook to the jaw but it’s more a tap on the backside.

Women’s high jump. The lovely girls of the Olympics. Superb athletes with it. Amazing what they can do really.

Little Liz McColgan is running in the 10,000 metres final in Tokyo @mickee321.

Potential BBC SPOTY of the year here if she’s got her preparation correct, which she won’t have done.

Looks like one of the Kenyan women is running the 10000 metres in her wedding veil